George Mallory's letters from Mount Everest tell the story of the missing climber

Digital messages from Mount Everest climber George Mallory have revealed a conversation with his wife Ruth when he was trying to become the first to climb one of the world's tallest mountains in 1924.

Mallory, the English mountaineer, was on his third attempt to climb Mount Everest in 1924 when his chances of reaching the summit were diminishing.

Archived online by Madglen College, the 842 handwritten letters take readers on a journey with Mallory and show the challenges the climber faced as he was exposed to high winds and cold weather during his ascent.

in Last letter to his wife dated May 27, 1924Mallory speaks candidly about his time on the mountain:

“Dear girl, this has been quite a bad time,” Mallory wrote. “I look back at the sheer effort and weariness and gloom I threw outside the tent, and the door leading to a world of snow and vanished hopes—and I get a lot of things to put on the other side.”

Mallory's attempts on Everest began in 1921

In September 1921, Mallory made his first trip to Mount Everest. Mallory set out with his school friend, Jay Pollock, to climb the mountain, but strong winds interrupted their journey in a valley called North Col. Britannica He said. In a 1924 letter, Mallory expressed his joy at passing through the same area that had given him trouble in the past.

“The first visit of the Northern Colonel was a triumph for the old gang,” Mallory wrote. “I enjoyed conquering the ice wall and breaking the crux of the route, and also taking the steps up the steep 200 feet. Odell did a very helpful job leading the route from camp to the col.”

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After writing five pages on his way up, Mallory suddenly stopped writing.

“The candle is burning and I must stop,” Mallory wrote to his wife.

Mallory finished the letter detailing his third attempt to summit Everest in an attempt to ease his wife's fears and boost her hopes of reaching the summit.

“My dear,” Mallory wrote, “I wish you the best I can, and that your anxiety will be over before you receive this, with the best news that will be the quickest as well.” “It's 50 to 1 against us.”

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Who is George Mallory?

George Mallory was born on June 18, 1886, and showed an interest in mountaineering from a young age. While completing his studies at Winchester College, Mallory was recruited by one of his professors to climb the Alps, the highest and widest mountain range in Europe. Other climbers said Mallory's ability to tackle difficult routes and use his “cat-like” climbing skills was unparalleled. Britannica He said.

With his mountain adventures in mind, Mallory was sent to France to serve in World War I. After the war, Mallory turned to teaching, but climbing never left his mind. The encyclopedia said that Mallory joined the Alpine Club and became one of the main climbers while the group was preparing for its first trip to Mount Everest in 1921.

The date on which Mallory began his third and final attempt to climb Mount Everest is unclear, but he signed a deal “Mount Everest Expedition Agreement” On February 13, 1924.

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The last letter to his wife was dated just over three months later, on May 27, 1924.

It will be another 75 years ago Mallory's body was discovered on Mount EverestOn May 4, 1999, BBC News reported.

Mallory's body was identified by his name tag that was still on him. Mallory's climbing partner and friend, Andrew Irvine, has not been found, the report said.

Magdalene College shares George Mallory's letters in a public archive

The Magdalen College archivist said the letters paint a picture of Mallory's journey on Mount Everest.

“It has been a real pleasure working with these letters,” Magdalen College archivist said Katie Green said in a statement About letters. “Whether it's George's wife Ruth writing about how she sent him plum cakes and grapefruit into the trenches (he said the grapefruit wasn't ripe enough) or whether it's his poignant final letter in which he says the chances of climbing Mount Everest are '50' to 1 against us, “It provides a fascinating look into the life of this famous Magdalene graduate.”

Ahjané Forbes is a reporter for USA TODAY's National Trending Team. Ahjané covers breaking news, recalls, crime, health, lottery, and public policy stories. Send her an email at [email protected]. follow her Instagram, Threads And x (Twitter) @forbesfinest.

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