Former WWE Superstar Erick Rowan is opening up about the death of Wyndham Rotunda, also known as Bray Wyatt

Former WWE Superstar and original Wyatt Family member Erick Rowan has publicly written about the death of Wyndham Rotunda, known to WWE fans as Bray Wyatt. Rawan, whose real name is Joseph Rudd, He posted an emotional statement on Twitter on Friday. Just over a week after Rotunda’s death on August 24. Rowan was also front and center during WWE’s tribute to Rotunda on “WWE SmackDown” last Friday, opening the show with a traditional 10-bell salute honoring both Rotunda and Terry Funk.

On Twitter, Rowan discussed the Rotunda and the bond that existed between the Wyatt Family, which also included the late Brodie Lee as well as Braun Strowman. Rowan wrote about the “crazy reality” that both Rotunda and Lee were gone and how his heart was in love with their families, whom both men loved dearly, he said. Rowan also spoke about his sadness, because he thought of their group as a family, even off screen, starting when he met Rotunda at Florida Championship Wrestling over 12 years ago.

“In the process, something happened,” Rowan wrote. “This family that we portray weekly in the wrestling world has become a real bond.” “We spent more time together over the next few years than we did with our families. Our bond strengthened as we dealt with life’s trials and tribulations together. Ultimately, this family grew with the introduction of Adam. Our love for each other also grew. Life is unfair sometimes, I want to pick up the phone and talk to my brothers… This is just goodbye for now, and I will see you in the future.”

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