Elden Ring’s producer says the expansion will be “a little more” and compares it to Bloodborne

Elden Ring producer Yasuhiro Kitao has provided an update on the game’s upcoming expansion, Shadow of the Erdtree.

He speaks to the Japanese publication Watch the gamethe producer from From Software said that development is progressing well, but suggested that fans should not expect a release in the near future.

“It will take some time, but progress is going well,” he said in translated remarks. Computer gamesN. “Like Bloodborne, it has new battles and new characters.”

Kadokawa, the software’s parent company, also claimed this month that DLC development is “going smoothly.”

Shadow of the Erdtree was announced in February, although further details about the expansion have not been confirmed.

Elden Ring was released for PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and PC in February 2022 and was one of the best-selling games of the year.

Just days before its one-year anniversary, publisher Bandai Namco claimed the game had sold 20 million copies.

Producer Kitao told Game Watch that From Software was “surprised that so many people played the game,” adding: “There are no words other than gratitude. I’m truly grateful.”

Elden Ring received an update last December that unlocked several colosseums that had been scattered around the map since release, allowing for PvP battles including duels, free-for-all battles, and team battles.

Ray tracing support was introduced to the game on PC and new generation consoles via an update in March.