Columbia bullfighting collapses, causing deaths and injuries

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Bogot, Colombia – Multi-layered crowded stands collapsed on an upgraded bull farm During a bullfight Sunday in central Colombia, four left People died and hundreds were injured – the number could rise In the coming hours – panicked spectators were trapped in the rubble.

The tragedy took place in the small town of El Espinal, 95 miles southwest of Bogot.

The crash scenes spread fast on social media. Shows dozens of people teasing and playing with an injured bull during a popular event called Coraleja. Suddenly, Three level levels led to, Hundreds of men, women and children are trapped underneath. As people screamed, some jumped out of their seats and rushed to the rescue, trying to remove the wood and other debris aside.

Hector Ortiz, 64, could not believe the scene. A woman next to him said, “That balcony is going to fall down!” And He saw eight divisions, one after the other, entering the cave like dominoes.

“After the first balcony collapsed, it dragged on to the next, and many, many more,” Artis told The Washington Post. “It simply came to our notice then. Otherwise we will be talking about the greatest tragedy.

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Every year, the mayor’s office in L’Espinal and private parties organize events to celebrate St. Peter’s Day on June 29. The pulling was set for a scene that appeared on the Caribbean coast when Colombia was a Spanish colony. Unlike traditional Spanish bullfighting, bulls are not normally slaughtered in Coraleja, And visitors are still invited to run around with the animal in the ring.

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In cities like El Espinal, the event has become a popular event.

Its bulls were built of tiger bamboo, and many levels were packed with spectators. Luis Fernando Wells, president of the Regional Civil Defense Organization, said: “The Tiger Bamboo system is very unstable. Organizers should have predicted that this would happen.”

Of the 322 injured visitors, Velez said 50 volunteers from the Civil Defense were working to transfer the 322 injured visitors to a hospital in the city. Firefighters and police assisted. The local health organization sent a “red alert” to the community.

On Twitter, Colombian President Evan Duc expressed concern for the victims and called for a speedy investigation.

The dead included a 14-month-old baby. More than two dozen children were injured and others were missing as they were near their parents in Pullring when the building led the way, Welles said. According to Mayor Juan Carlos Tamayo Salas, there were 800 people at the eight stands involved.

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The incident was reminiscent of a similar one corralejas Disaster in the Caribbean city of Sinlejo. The collapse of a makeshift building there in 1980 killed more than 500 people and injured more than 2,000.

“This has already happened in Sinlajo” President-elect Gustavo Pedro tweeted, Will take office in August. “I urge local authorities to refrain from recognizing additional glasses with the death of persons or animals.”

Pedro, the mayor of Bogot, provoked outrage when he banned bullfighting. On Sunday he appeared poised to wage the same war nationally.

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Ortiz, who witnessed the disaster on Sunday, said: “I think it’s the end of the Corals In El Espinal. “

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