China’s daily symptoms of goiter are three times higher

Residents line the hospital’s nucleic acid testing site following the outbreak of the corona virus (COVID-19) on March 11, 2022 in Shanghai, China. Via China Daily REUTERS

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BEIJING, March 13 (Reuters) – Mainland China on Sunday reported 1,807 new local symptoms of COVID-19, the highest daily number in two years and three times higher than the previous day’s, as rising infections in the Northeastern province are squeezing health resources. .

Data from the National Health Commission on Sunday showed that the number of cases spreading domestically with confirmed symptoms on Saturday had risen to 476 from the previous day. The 114 people who were initially classified as asymptomatic in the daily count later developed symptoms.

China’s litigation count is much lower than many other countries, but the growing number will complicate Beijing’s “dynamic-clearance” ambition to contain the epidemic quickly.

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China’s previous strategy based on nucleic acid testing – medical professionals should take samples – has prompted health officials to for the first time purchase, for the first time, rapid self – testing tools to help diagnose infections, as some experts say. Fast spreading Omicron variant. read more

The northeastern province of Jilin reported 1,412 new local symptom cases on Saturday, up 78% of the national average and 134 a day earlier.

The increase “shows that some local areas, which are facing rapid outbreaks of the epidemic, do not have the capacity to expand medical resources and as a result infections are limited to centralized facilities within a short period of time,” a Jill provincial official told a news conference. .

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Authorities in the already-locked provincial capital of Chungsun are conducting mass tests and working to turn an exhibition center into a 1,500-bed makeshift hospital, according to local official and state media reports.

Shenzhen, a southern technology center, recorded 60 new local cases with confirmed signs on Saturday, the city’s highest since the first eruption in China in early 2020.

Shenzhen will suspend public transportation, including buses and subways, from Monday, and residents have been told not to leave the city unless necessary as the city is conducting three rounds of mass inspections, officials said in a statement.

All nine counties in Shenzhen have stopped dining in restaurants, closed indoor entertainment venues and demanded that companies work from home from Monday to Friday if remote work is possible, with exceptions for those in essential sectors.

State media reported Sunday that six officers have been fired from their positions, along with local government or Communist Party officials in the southern city of Dongguan, for doing a bad job of preventing and controlling the Govt.

The China Development Forum, a high-level business meeting originally scheduled for March 19-22 in Beijing, will be postponed indefinitely due to the Govt situation, the organizer said in a statement.

NHC data show that the number of new domestic asymptomatic cases not classified by China as confirmed cases rose to 1,315 on Saturday from 1,048 a day earlier, the fourth consecutive day.

No new deaths, the death toll stands at 4,636. As of March 12, there were 115,466 reported cases with confirmed symptoms in the mainland of China, including those from locals and outsiders.

Report by Kevin Yaw and Roxanne Liu; Editing: William Mallard, Jerry Doyle and Susan Fenton

Our standards: Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.

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