Catanji Brown Jackson takes over as Supreme Court judge as court issues final opinion

Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. was sworn in as Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson on June 30 in the Judges’ Conference Room of the Supreme Court in Washington, DC. (Fred Shilling / Gallery of the Supreme Court of the United States / Getty Images)

Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson Inaugurated as a new member She became the first black woman to serve on the Supreme Court of the country, Thursday afternoon.

He replaces the former judge Stephen FryerRetired from the bench at noon ET.

Earlier, the Supreme Court released the results of two notable cases related to environment and immigration at the end of its term.

New justice

Jackson, 51, Joins the court As its 116th member at one time Increased study The recent decisions of the Court and the American people have little faith in the Supreme Court.

“I wholeheartedly agree to support and defend the Constitution of the United States and to administer justice without fear or favor, so God help me. I am truly grateful to be a part of the promise of our great nation,” Jackson said in a statement.

During his confirmation hearings Earlier this year, He vowed to be fair, impartial and impartial in determining the law. “I stand on the shoulders of my own role models,” he said During the White House event Indicates his historical confirmation.

Read more about his background Here Look at the moment she took office Here.

EPA results

The Supreme Court imposed the ban The efficiency of the environmental protection system Extensive control of carbon dioxide emissions from existing power plants. This is a major blow to the efforts of the Biden administration Reduces emissions At the moment when scientists sound the alarms about the accelerating speed Global warming.

In addition, the court reduced the agency’s power, commonly known as the “key questions” principle – which would affect the federal government’s power to regulate other areas of climate policy, as well as the Internet and labor safety. .

Chief Justice John Roberts wrote the opinion for the Conservative majority, while the three Liberal judges disagreed. According to Roberts, the law “authorizes skepticism over the claim of our predecessor EPA” that it “authorizes the creation of carbon emissions limits based on a generational change approach.”

Judge Elena Kagan, writing for the protesters, sounded the alarm about global warming and said the court ruling “restricts the power congress’ EPA” in response to “the most pressing environmental challenge of our time.”

“I can’t think of many things that are so scary,” he said.

White HouseWith EnvironmentalistsWhen Republicans wanted to, they made the decision explode West Virginia Governor Jim Justice Praised it.

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Immigration decision

The Supreme Court on Thursday gave the green light to President Biden to put an end to the controversy “Stay in Mexico” Immigration Policy It was formed under the Trump administration.

The Supreme Court decision is a major victory for the Biden immigration agenda, as the administration has suffered numerous losses in the lower courts in its efforts to change Trump’s drastic immigration policies.

In writing for the majority, Chief Justice John Roberts made it clear that the relevant immigration law ” Optional The power to repatriate aliens to Mexico while their settlement activities are pending. ”
In a legal question on “May”, Roberts wrote, “Continuing-territorial return (DHS) makes it clear that the Secretary has ‘authority, but not duty,’ a tool to use.”

Roberts was joined by Liberal judges and Judge Brett Kavanagh, and Kavanagh filed a concurring opinion.

In additionSent by the Supreme Court on Thursday Three cases related to abortion Now again the court quashed that the lower courts should reconsider Row We Wade, Ending the constitutional protections for obtaining an abortion. The move reflects the dramatically changed legal landscape related to abortion following the Supreme Court’s new ruling last week in the Tops vs. Jackson Women’s Health case.

next time: While summer is usually the time for judges to leave Washington, the next term begins in three short months. There are important cases in the document.

On the first day of his term, Jackson will take the seat reserved for the junior-mast judge of the court and hear the case restricting federal jurisdiction over protected wetlands under the Clean Water Act.

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The next day, they will investigate the redefinition case in Alabama and explore its definitions. The main rule of suffrage law Prevents voting practices that discriminate on the basis of race.

The Supreme Court also agreed to hear the case today Redistribution in North CarolinaA case that could have major implications for the right to vote across the country and change the territory of electoral law.

CNN’s Ariane de Vogue, Tierney Sneed, Priscilla Alvarez, Ella Nilsen and Veronica Stracqualursi reported on this post.

# KBJ ##

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