Biden plans to visit the US-Mexico border

WASHINGTON – President Biden has announced that he will visit on Wednesday US-Mexico border During his trip to Mexico City next week.

“We are working out the details now,” Mr. Biden said.

The president’s comments came after The Wall Street Journal reported that the White House was strongly considering a visit to the border on a trip to Mexico, according to people familiar with the discussions.

On January 9-10, Mr. Biden is expected to meet Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

This trip is the president of Mr. It was Biden’s first trip to the border. A new policy announcement may not come at the event, one said.

The President also said that he will deliver a speech on border security on Thursday.

The administration has faced bipartisan criticism for its handling of the border over the past two years. There is one A record 2.2 million arrests According to data released by U.S. Customs and Border Protection, U.S. Border Patrol agents were caught illegally crossing the southern border last year.

Parts of the southern border are a continent Arrival of asylum seekers Illegal border crossings took place last month amid what was expected to be the end of the government’s public health crackdown Called Title 42This allows the United States to deport immigrants before they even have a chance to claim asylum.

However, the Supreme Court ordered the Govt That pandemic should keep the policy in place Beyond its scheduled December expiration, the justices are considering whether Republican-led states can intervene in the case over the restrictions.

After the Supreme Court ruled Tuesday to put Title 42 on hold for now, some migrants along the Mexico-US border prefer to wait for more news, while others decide to cross into the US illegally. Photo: Jose Luis Gonzalez/Reuters

Some immigration advisers inside and outside the administration are wary of the president’s visit to the border, arguing that the photo shoot would legitimize GOP attacks and that Democrats should frame their immigration messages on their terms.

Republicans have said the lack of border visits shows the administration is not paying enough attention to the issue.

House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy (R., Calif.) told reporters after the November election that Mr. During a meeting in the Oval Office with Biden and other congressional leaders, he said he invited the president to visit the southern border with him. “I explained to the president what I saw…we’ve lost control of our border,” he said, adding that the House GOP majority had backed Mr. They plan to launch investigations into Biden’s handling of the issue.

When asked about a possible visit to the region, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre repeated in a recent press conference: “The president’s focus right now is to bring solutions, to make sure we have the resources to manage the challenges we see on the border.

“If congressional Republicans are serious about dealing with the challenges we see at the border, they will help,” he said.

Mr. Biden’s visit to the border follows a previous visit by the vice president

Kamala HarrisHe toured a Border Patrol facility and port of entry in El Paso, Texas, in June 2021, wondering why he had not visited the area after a series of attacks by Republicans.

Ms Harris was tapped by Mr Biden Lead diplomatic efforts To address the root causes of migration from Central America, focusing on Mexico and the three countries known as the Northern Triangle: El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala.

Ms Harris and her aides also dismissed questions about why she had not visited the border for weeks before announcing the trip.

Write to Tarini Parti at [email protected]

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