Biden imposes additional sanctions on Russia: ‘Putin chose this war’

“Putin is an occupier. Putin chose this war. Now he and his country will bear the consequences,” Biden said.

He said the new sanctions would include export volumes on technology, a key part of Biden’s approach, which would severely restrict Russia’s ability to advance its military and aerospace sector. He also imposed sanctions on Russian banks and “corrupt millionaires” and their families close to the Kremlin.

Targets are not limited to Russia. The United States has pursued individuals, including Belarus’ defense minister, for its role in facilitating the Russian offensive.

“Our forces are neither involved nor involved in the conflict,” he said. “Our forces are not going to Europe to fight in Ukraine, but to protect our NATO allies and to reassure those allies in the East.”

Biden addressed the nation from the White House East Room, where he appeared in public after the Russian offensive late Wednesday. In his comments, Biden pointed to the invasion of Russia’s neighbors as a generational moment that has the potential to boost global order.

“Putin’s actions betray a bad outlook on the future of our world, and nations are forcibly taking what they want,” he said.

He declared that the actions of the Russian president “will be huge, economically and strategically costly for Russia.”

New sanctions, the latest U.S. retaliation against Moscow this week, were set aside because Biden relied on maintaining some foreign exchange to prevent Putin from launching a full-scale invasion. But so far, Western threats of economic punishment, as well as Biden’s strategy America reveals what it knows Building Putin’s forces to make the Russian leader himself a second guess has proved futile.
After several months of forecasts and warnings, Russian forces Began the invasion of Ukraine According to local time on Thursday morning, troops were reported to be crossing the border north and south, with explosions in several cities, including the capital Kiev, and warnings of a bloody Putin in the future if Ukrainian forces do not lay down their arms.

Biden’s sanctions now mean that Russia’s economy, its military capabilities and those closest to the Russian president should be punished instead of blocking Putin’s actions. However, there is an open question as to how far they can change Putin’s decision-making.

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“Nobody expects any obstacles to happen. It will take time. We have to show commitment. He knows what’s coming,” Biden said.

Biden said the new sanctions were aimed at curbing the fall in energy prices, keeping in mind rising gas prices in the United States. He said the United States, along with its allies, was ready to release barrels from its strategic oil reserves.

“It’s hard and I know Americans are already suffering,” he said. “I will do everything I can to reduce the pain that the American people experience at the gas pump.”

Before he speaks, Biden consults with the leaders of the 7 industrialized nations on what sanctions they plan to impose, hoping to coordinate a response that promotes unity among Western allies. U.S. and European officials spoke on the phone overnight until Thursday to consolidate their responses.

In a joint statement following the virtual meeting, G7 leaders said Putin had “re-introduced war on the European continent.”

“He put himself on the wrong side of history,” the leaders wrote.

On Thursday morning, EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen vowed to “weaken Russia’s economic base and modernization capacity” following Russia’s “barbaric attack” on Ukraine.

“We will freeze Russian assets in the EU and stop Russian banks from accessing European financial markets,” he said.

A White House official said Biden convened a meeting of his National Security Council on Thursday morning to discuss the situation in Ukraine.

As Putin announced his plans to launch a “military operation” against Ukraine in a televised speech, Biden’s top national security aides convened emergency meetings late Wednesday. The speech was broadcast in Russia at the same time as the UN Security Council convened to condemn Moscow’s behavior, with some delegates without security.

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Biden’s national security adviser Jake Sullivan and other top officials in ambush in the West have issued a statement condemning Russia’s attack as “unprovoked and unjustified.”

“President Putin has chosen a planned war that will bring catastrophic casualties and human suffering,” Biden wrote in a statement released at 10:25 ET shortly after the eruption in Kiev.

An hour later, Biden spoke by phone with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zhelensky, who had reached the White House when his country was under siege.

“He asked me to call on world leaders to speak out against President Putin’s blatant aggression and to stand with the people of Ukraine,” Biden later said in a statement. He said the United States and its allies planned to “impose tough sanctions on Russia.”

Biden announced the most limited sanctions on Monday Putin’s early decision To send troops into Ukraine following the recognition of two pro-Russian areas in eastern Ukraine. The move follows two state-owned financial institutions, three members of Putin’s inner circle and Russia’s sovereign debt.

The story and title were updated on Thursday with additional improvements.

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