Biden calls Putin a ‘butcher’ after meeting refugees in Poland

During the visit, reporters asked Biden what seeing Ukrainian refugees at Stadion Narodowy made him think of him as he deals with Putin every day.

Having initially sought to downplay the personal rivalry between himself and Putin, Biden has intensified his rhetoric against Putin over the past 10 days. last week, For the first time, Biden called Putin a “war criminal.” and then Later referred to as A A murderous dictator, a pure thug is waging an immoral war against the people of Ukraine. He also described the Russian invasion of Ukraine as “inhuman”.
The US State Department on Wednesday Officially declared that members of the Russian Armed Forces have committed war crimes in Ukraine. The decision to issue a formal indictment marks an important step by the US government after weeks of refusing to formally say that attacks against civilians in Ukraine were war crimes. However, it remains to be seen whether there will be any accountability for those accused of the alleged crimes, and whether Putin himself will have to bear any responsibility.

Biden’s latest comments about Putin came as he focused on the refugee crisis in Europe as millions are fleeing their homes in Ukraine. The president met Chef Jose Andres and other volunteers in Warsaw at the food distribution site of the Andres Kitchen World Center, a non-profit organization dedicated to serving meals in the aftermath of disasters. Biden met with some volunteers, some from Europe and some from the United States.

The word “God loves you” can be heard, the chief tells them and asks if he can help them.

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More than 3.5 million refugees have now fled Ukraine, according to data from the United Nations refugee agency released on Tuesday. The vast majority of these refugees have fled to Ukraine’s western neighbors via Europe.

Poland, which borders Ukraine to the west, has recorded more than two million Ukrainian refugees crossing into the country, although not all refugees who entered Poland remain there.

During the short question-and-answer session, Biden recounted how he’d gone to places like this in his life but said he’s always been surprised by the “depth and strength of the human spirit.”

He said, “It’s unbelievable, it’s unbelievable. Look at all these little kids. I just want to hug them, I just want to say thank you. I mean, it makes you so proud.”

He added, “Each of these kids said something meant, ‘Say a prayer to my father, grandfather, or brother who is back there to fight.'” And I remember what it’s like when you have someone in a war zone. Every morning I woke up wondering. You are just wondering. And you pray you don’t get that phone call. “

It seems that the advance of the Russian army has stopped around the major Ukrainian cities such as Kyiv and Kharkiv, And a great Russian general He says that the first phase of their invasion is over, with the focus now on the eastern part of Ukraine. Russia also failed to achieve air supremacy in Ukraine and suffered heavy personnel losses since the start of the invasion.

“In general, the main tasks of the first phase of the operation have been completed,” Colonel-General Sergei Rudskoy, first deputy chief of the Russian General Staff, told a news briefing on Friday. “The combat potential of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was significantly reduced, which allowed us, as I emphasize once again, to focus the main efforts on achieving the main goal – the liberation of Donbass.”

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When asked about the Russians changing their military strategy in Ukraine, Biden said, “I’m not sure they’re doing that.”

This story has been updated with additional reports.

CNN’s Nathan Hodge, Megan Vasquez, Jennifer Hansler and Jeremy Herb contributed to this report.

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