Biden announces acquisition of 500 million additional Covit-19 tests

A White House official said 500 million new Covit-19 trials would be purchased to meet future demand, in addition to the 500 million trials already announced in the process of acquiring the White House.

The military medical teams will support the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio, Connie Island Hospital in Brooklyn, Rhode Island Hospital in Providence, Henry Ford Hospital outside Detroit, New Mexico University Hospital in Albuquerque and the University Hospital in Newark, New Jersey, the official said.

“These teams will work with health workers on the front line to provide relief, screen patients, help reduce overcrowded emergency care units and release health care providers to pursue other life-saving treatments,” the official added.

More than 151,000 Americans across the country were hospitalized with Covit-19 on Wednesday. Information From the Department of Health and Human Services. According to Johns Hopkins University data, an average of 747,260 new Govt-19 cases were reported daily in the United States last week.

This is three times higher than last winter’s peak average (251,987 on January 11, 2021), and 4.5 times higher than the delta-driven uptick (166,347 on September 1), the JHU said.

The uprising has put considerable pressure on hospitals across the country. In addition, state leaders have enacted emergency measures to deal with hospitals, putting an end to the massive pressure on health care services that many employees call being infected with the virus.

“The sudden and steep increase caused by Omicron is causing an unprecedented number of daily cases, illness, absenteeism and difficulties in our health system,” said Dr. Rochelle Valensky, director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. A Wednesday conference.

பிடன் Had announced plans Omigron helped more hospitals to mobilize 1,000 military paramedics in the midst of the uprising last month. “These are part of the first wave of deployments,” a White House official said of recent rallies. “Teams will continue to be mobilized and sent where needed in the coming weeks to face Omicron.”

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and Federal Emergency Management Agency Administrator Dean Chriswell are scheduled to brief the president on Thursday on the deployment of resources and personnel. All three will speak with federal surgeons already stationed at hospitals in Arizona, New York and Michigan.

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