Bernie Sanders is ready to support the primary challenges against cinema and Mancini – live | American News





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Republican restructuring weakens the influence of minority voters, the report found

Republicans As new district lines are drawn across the country, the influence of minority voters is severely distorted in their favor, weakening their influence, a new report says. Brennan Center for Justice.

The report, which examines the game’s state of the ongoing decade redistribution cycle, indicates Republicans They argue that the new taxes are based on discrimination in their efforts to dismantle minority districts.

Although racial discrimination is illegal in the redefinition, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 2019 that discrimination based on discrimination is acceptable.

Brennan Center

Many voter maps emerging from the 2021-22 redefinition cycle depict racist and discriminatory Jeromes. Freedom of Voting: The John Lewis Act provides important protections that make a difference in the interim period.

January 19, 2022

“This cycle sees unprecedented attempts to undermine the political power of black, Latin, Asian and indigenous communities, especially in the southern states, for the first time in more than half a century, not falling under Section 5. The Right to Vote Act,” the report said.

“There have been more aggressive attacks on minority power in the suburbs of southern states such as Texas and Georgia. There, Republicans have quickly surgically removed diversified districts, where communities of color have enjoyed increasing electoral success in recent years, ”it added.

The report also states that Republicans have full control over the drawing of 187 of the U.S. House of Representatives’ 435 counties, making the counties less competitive.

Donald Trump The GOP controlled redefinition under the old maps won 54 districts by a margin of 15 or more points. Under the new scheme, that number will increase to 70.

The redefinition cycle is still ongoing. New York, Tennessee and Missouri are still among the states where lawmakers are drawing new maps.



Sanders says he can support the primary challenges for cinema and Mansin

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