Beijing experiences the most hours of sub-zero temperatures in December since 1951

Beijing recorded the most sub-zero hours of temperature in December in more than seven decades, as a cold wave covered vast areas of northern and central China, bringing snowstorms and record temperatures.

As of Sunday, the weather observatory in the Chinese capital had recorded more than 300 hours of subzero temperatures since December 11, the highest temperature since records began in 1951, according to the official Beijing Daily newspaper.

The newspaper added that the city witnessed nine consecutive days with temperatures below minus 10 degrees Celsius (14 degrees Fahrenheit).

Parts of northern and central China were hit by severe cold waves this month, with authorities closing schools and highways several times due to snowstorms.

Temperatures at 78 weather stations across the country recorded record lows for December, while average temperatures this month in northern China and some central parts of China reached record lows recorded in 1961, according to the center. National Meteorologist.

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