Apple likely sold as many as 180,000 Vision Pro headphones over the pre-order weekend

Apple's $3,499 Vision Pro isn't for everyone, and in fact, the latest pre-order estimates reflect a slow start for that Virtual Reality Spatial computing device. According to the analyst Min chi ko Based on calculations based on pre-order inventory and shipping time, the company is believed to have sold between 160,000 and 180,000 Vision Pro headphones over the past weekend. This is already far beyond what Ko did Previous production numbers With 60,000 to 80,000 units targeting the initial release on February 2, it's no wonder the Vision Pro sold out right after pre-orders opened.

While this sounds like positive news, Kuo noted that with shipping times remaining unchanged for the first 48 hours, this could indicate a rapid decline in demand after heavy users and hardcore fans pre-order. In contrast, iPhone orders typically see a “steady increase in shipping times from 24 to 48 hours after pre-orders open.” But of course, Vision Pro is not intended for the average consumer in its current state, especially in the absence of some mainstream apps like YouTube, Spotify or Netflix. Not to mention the impressive base price of $3,499 as well, though Apple may later launch a cheaper model in the ballpark of $1,500 to $2,500, according to a previous report by Bloomberg Mark Gorman.

Kuo added that even with the device sold based on the higher initial production figure of 80,000 units, this represents only about 0.007 percent of Apple's 1.2 billion active users, making the Vision Pro a “very niche product” in the eyes of users. Cupertino. This means the tech giant will need to muster and somehow sustain demand for the headphones before a global launch, which is rumored to happen sometime before this year's WWDC – likely in June. Meanwhile, Apple is also busy setting up demo areas in its flagship US stores, hoping to generate more sales through 25-minute sessions.

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