A luxury cruise ship with 206 passengers on board has run aground while rescue efforts are underway

The ship made its maiden voyage just two years ago in 2021.

LONDON – A luxury cruise ship carrying 206 passengers ran aground off the coast of Greenland.

The Ocean Explorer, 104.4 meters (343 feet) long and 18 meters (60 feet) wide, ran aground Monday near the Alpfjord in Northeast Greenland National Park — a 375,000-square-mile area that is the northernmost national park. In the world.

Although no injuries or damage to the ship were reported, officials are taking this incident seriously.

“Our units are far away, and the weather could be very unsuitable,” the commander said. Brian Jensen of the Joint Arctic Command, according to the Associated Press.

“North Polar Command has been in contact with the cruise ship Ocean Explorer, which it reported was still anchored in the national park,” said a statement from the Joint Arctic Command posted on social media on Tuesday. “This means that the high tide that came in during the day Local time, it did not provide the required navigation assistance. Arctic Command remains in contact with relevant ships in the vicinity, which may be able to help the cruise ship free.

The nearest Danish Navy ship was about 1,380 miles away, Jensen told the Associated Press, confirming that the Joint Arctic Command was headed to the location and was expected to make contact with Ocean Explorer on Friday.

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The ship – belonging to the Ulstein Group in Ulsteinvik in southern Norway – made its maiden voyage just two years ago in 2021, according to AE Expeditions. It features a gym, jacuzzi, off-boat excursions and offers state-of-the-art amenities and “maximum passenger comfort,” according to its website.

“Capacity of just 134 people, the Ocean Explorer is specifically designed for exploratory travel to the world’s most remote destinations. “This small vessel is equipped with the latest technology, sustainment and navigation capabilities,” AE Expeditions says on its website detailing the vessel.

Meanwhile, authorities have been in contact with another cruise ship in the area and have been asked to remain nearby to help if the situation develops, according to the AP, and rescue efforts are currently underway on multiple fronts.

“The most important thing for us is for everyone to get to safety,” Jensen told the Associated Press.

The national park is so remote that only a limited number of people get the chance to visit each year, according to the Greenland Tourism Board, and the number of people who summit Mount Everest each year is greater than the number of visitors in Northeast Greenland National Park.

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