3 reasons why Disney’s Percy Jackson TV show is better than HBO’s Harry Potter series

For the first time in many years, the Percy Jackson franchise is getting a chance to finally win over Harry Potter, and all is looking really good for the upcoming PJ show.

The Percy Jackson and Harry Potter franchises are similar in many ways, and we’d be here all day if we really tried to count them all. For example, they both show us three teens entering a secret magical realm coexisting with our own and trying to defeat the eventual bad guy and his henchmen while grappling with personal stuff.

They both have the name of the protagonist as their surnames appear, eg.

The thing is, Percy Jackson was always outclassed by Harry Potter in every way. The original books were not popular; The franchise name never sounded so loud; The movie didn’t do well (well, it literally failed).

But with both of these franchises getting a new TV show soon, it looks like Percy Jackson finally has a chance to come out on top! And here’s why.

early release

One of the reasons Harry Potter dominated the world was its early release: when Percy Jackson came out, every child on the planet was very happy with their HP book.

With the new series, the tables will be turning as the Disney PJ show is set to come out about a year earlier than its HP counterpart…a big plus.

fresh and fresh

Everyone and their family dogs know what Harry Potter is about, and like half the planet’s population have seen the movies; Reboot is pretty much not needed now.

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With Percy Jackson, the opposite is true: there are many people who would enjoy diving into a whole new world, and since the movies haven’t gone too far, the series will be appreciated by fans as well.

Marketing monster

The Rick Riordan books were a huge hit but didn’t quite reach the level of the JKR series back in the day because, among many things, marketing was too late…but this time, Percy Jackson has an absolute beast of marketing and puts money behind him and his name is Walt Disney. This show will get all the coverage it needs.

And with all of these reasons (and many more) combined, we think that this time around, Percy Jackson has a great chance of taking on his old rival, Harry Potter. This doesn’t necessarily have to be a battle of course, as many people will be watching both shows, but…

A battle between a demigod and a wizard sounds kind of fun, right?

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