Xi and Biden prepare to speak as Mounts of US-China distrust

US President Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping plan to join in an effort to prevent China from engaging deeper with China. Russia during the occupation of Ukraine.

The call, scheduled for Friday, seeks to show Beijing’s interest in blocking itself The crisis in Ukraine And from getting worse — without giving it up Compliance with Moscow.

Mr Beijing said there were repercussions for moving beyond Beijing’s words of support. Mr. Biden. Shik is preparing to deliver a message, management officials said. Secretary of State Anthony Blingen on Thursday, Mr. Biden said he would “make it clear that China is responsible for any actions taken in support of Russia’s occupation, and that we will not hesitate to impose costs.”

U.S. National Security Adviser Jack Sullivan was described by U.S. officials as having an intense daytime meeting in Rome on Monday. This is similar to the message that Xi’s top foreign affairs official gave to Yang Jiechi.

US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan met with Xi Jinping’s top foreign affairs official, Yang Jiechi, in Rome earlier this week, in a photo released by the Xinhua News Agency.


Jin Mamengni / Associated Press

According to foreign policy experts close to the Chinese government, Mr. During Friday’s call with Pittsburgh, he described China as a party neutral to the conflict. Shi is likely to present.

The crisis in Ukraine is further eroding the already low level of trust between the world’s two major economies and the major military powers, increasing their competition for global influence. Mr. Shi has forged close ties with the Russian president

Vladimir Putin

It aims to undermine US hegemony, and some in the Biden administration want to use the Ukraine war, which has drawn widespread condemnation from Russia, forcing Beijing out of Moscow.

“This is an opportunity for President Biden to assess where President Ji is standing,” White House spokeswoman Jen Zhaki said Thursday. “It speaks for itself that China does not condemn what Russia is doing.”

Meanwhile, during the leaders’ last telephone conversation in November, Chinese President Xi Jinping said he was committed to fulfilling a promise made by Chinese officials that China should not seek to change its structure. People said he would call Pita. As Washington builds alliances to put pressure on China, that commitment is seen as crucial to preventing an open confrontation between the two powers by Beijing.

“We are at a critical juncture in Sino-US relations,” Evan Medeiros, a former Obama administration administration’s national security official, said at an event sponsored by the German Marshall Fund on Thursday.

Now at the University of Georgetown, Mr. Madiros said the Biden administration would set up alternative avenues for relations, including “moderate tendencies” if Beijing intensifies its support for Moscow or the two powers manage tensions.

Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping have become close acquaintances over the past decade, frying with vodka and exchanging friendly medals. China can help, but only to a limited extent, as the West blocks Russia from its aggression against Ukraine. Photo Description: Sharon Shi

After being captured in the early days of the Russian occupation, foreign policy experts close to the Chinese government say Beijing has now settled on a clear strategy: it will not oppose Russia, it will support Ukraine – what is described as “benevolent neutrality” in China.

While trying to present China as a more responsible world leader, Mr. This position reflects the fact that Shi is focusing on his strategy.

At the Thursday event, Mr. Maduros described Beijing’s position as “pro-Russian neutral”.

At a summit a few weeks before the invasion, Mr. Shi and Mr. Putin issued a statement of solidarity outlining a vision for a changed world order, which many in the West are branding China and Russia as a new “axis.” Great blow to China’s international reputation. Beijing, Mr. Denies knowing in advance about Putin’s invasion plans.

According to the Chinese leadership, foreign policy experts say the United States is still its biggest strategic rival, and keeping Russia as its partner will give Beijing some influence over Washington.

That means China will try to maintain its economic ties with Russia, but will not help Moscow avoid financial and other sanctions imposed by the United States.

Before Russia invaded Ukraine, Beijing agreed to agreements worth $ 117.5 billion to buy oil and gas from Russia. Chinese foreign affairs analysts say Beijing is likely to pursue those agreements as long as it does not violate sanctions on Russia, but will not provide arms and other military assistance to Russia.

In Beijing, the planned Biden-Xi call is seen as a sign that the United States needs China to help stop the fighting. Some government officials have suggested that China could do more to improve the situation in the United States if the Biden administration abandons its tough policies.

Chinese leaders are frustrated that the Biden administration has largely abandoned the taxes of the Trump era, and have blacklisted a list of Chinese companies that they say support the Beijing campaign to forcibly integrate Uyghurs into the western part of Xinjiang. .

“The United States could possibly affect the extent of China’s partnership with Russia, but not in the direction,” said Yun Sun, director of the China program at the Washington – based think tank Stimson Center.

Kiev is on fire

Russian forces in the Ukrainian capital have imposed a 36-hour curfew on the city limits.

Firefighters are battling a blaze after a bomb exploded in an apartment building in Kiev. The city imposes a 36-hour curfew starting late Tuesday.

Vadim Girta / Associated Press

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Beijing has so far refused to criticize Russia or even say its actions in Ukraine are an invasion, expressing sympathy for the security concerns cited by Moscow as reasons for the military attack. As Chinese Foreign Ministry officials expanded on Russian claims that the United States supports bio-weapons research in Ukraine, China also seemed to be co-opting with Russia that what the United States was saying was misinformation.

U.S. officials say Moscow has asked Beijing for economic and military assistance. On Thursday, Mr. “We are concerned that they may be considering assisting Russia directly with military equipment for use in Ukraine,” Blinken said. China has denied any support for Russia’s war. Moscow has denied asking China for military assistance.

“I say this responsibly: claims that China knew, acknowledged or indirectly supported this war are completely false information,” said Queen Kang, China’s ambassador to the United States, in a comment to the Washington Post this week. “All of these statements only serve to shift the blame and throw mud at China.”

Ms Psaki, of the White House, declined to elaborate on the current US assessment of any Chinese assistance to Moscow, outlining what action Washington would take if that happened.

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