Ukrainian commander calls for international evacuation attempt at Mariupol plant because situation is “critical”

Commander of the 36th Special Marine Regiment of Ukraine. Serhii Volyna telephoned CNN from the besieged city of Mariupol on Tuesday evening, demanding a third country to evacuate troops and civilians trapped in the Azovstal steel plant under heavy Russian bombing.

“I have a statement for the world,” Volina said. “This may be my last statement, because we have only a few days or hours left. We urge world leaders to use the extraction process for Mariupol Garrison’s army and the civilians who are with us.

Within the besieged city, Ukrainian forces consolidated around the massive Azovstel steel plant.

Ukrainian officials say hundreds of civilians depend on the foundations of massive steel mills. A Mariupol police official told CNN that food and water supplies were declining amid heavy bombings.

When asked how to facilitate an evacuation, Volina said, “It should be at the level of contracts. If we talk about practical application, it could be a ship with helicopters, for example, it can take us. Or an international humanitarian mission can come to us and guarantee our safety and make such promises.” Come with us on the way to the delivery state. “

Volina described the plant’s condition as “critical”, with a large number of wounded troops and low medical care.

“We are completely surrounded,” he said. “About 500 soldiers have been injured and it is very difficult to provide medical assistance to them. They are really rotten. There are civilians in the area. Next to them they are suffering from explosions and bombings. They. [the Russians] Use heavy air bombs against us and attack with artillery. “

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“It happens all the time. The city is being destroyed. Enemy groups are dozens of times bigger than us. They have the full advantage in aircraft, artillery, equipment, manpower. We fight to the last, but we have very little time,” he said. Continued.

The Ukrainian commander estimated that there were “hundreds of civilians” sheltering in the area of ​​the plant.

“We appeal to all world leaders: who can make such a commitment and succeed in the short term in agreeing to such a practice,” he said. “We know there are some improvements and negotiations with the Turkish side, and that serves as a guarantee. Perhaps the United States, because we believe this is a very powerful government with a strong leader. [President Joe] Biden, and he personally can solve this problem in a short time. Or with his help we can solve this problem in a short time. ”

Volina declined to comment on the number of troops in Azovstal.

“If the world listens to us, if world leaders listen to us, we are very confident that the extraction process will be carried out and then everyone will understand the size mix of the captive population,” he said.

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