Trump was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by a Republican lawmaker for his “historic” Middle East policy

A Republican lawmaker nominated Donald Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize, citing his “historic” policy in the Middle East.

New York Representative Claudia Tenney said in a statement that she decided to nominate the former president for his role in the Abraham Accords treaty that led to the formal normalization of relations between the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Israel.

It claimed in a statement posted on its website that “Donald Trump was instrumental in facilitating the first new peace agreements in the Middle East in nearly 30 years.”

For decades, bureaucrats, foreign policy “professionals,” and international organizations have insisted that additional Middle East peace agreements are impossible without resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. She added that President Trump has proven that this is not true.

“President Trump’s courageous efforts in concluding the Abraham Accords were unprecedented and remain unrecognized by the Nobel Peace Prize Committee, underscoring the need for his nomination today. Now more than ever, when Joe Biden’s weak leadership on the international stage threatens For the safety and security of our country, we must recognize Trump for his strong leadership and efforts to achieve world peace. The statement continued: “Today I am honored to nominate former President Donald Trump, and I look forward to him receiving the recognition he deserves.”

Mr. Trump has He previously complained that he did not receive enough credit for his foreign policy work.

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But while the Abraham Accords have been cited as a means of introducing and strengthening Israeli-Arab relations, the landmark agreements have also been criticized for failing so far to reach meaningful solutions to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

“The Abraham Accords without the Palestinians were a disaster, just as his agreement with the Taliban was without the Afghan government. Moreover, he has bombed the Middle East more than Obama,” one person posted on X, following news of Trump’s Nobel Prize nomination.

“Someone explain to me how you nominated him for the Nobel Peace Prize in the Middle East while the Middle East is at war in Gaza!” Someone else wrote.

Despite these criticisms of Trump's foreign policy, the 77-year-old was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize several times during his presidency. However, he failed to win the award.

“I would get a Nobel Prize for many things, if they were distributed fairly, which they are not,” the former president complained at a press conference in New York in 2019.

Claudia Tenney, the former president, was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for his role in the Abraham Treaty


Trump was nominated for the award in 2020 by far-right Norwegian politician Kristian Tybring Gedde, citing his efforts to achieve reconciliation between North and South Korea.

But despite a period of improving relations between North and South Korea, negotiations ultimately failed to make any clear progress toward the North's denuclearization.

Swedish MP Magnus Jacobsson also nominated Trump in 2020 for his role in brokering an agreement to normalize relations between Serbia and Kosovo.

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The following year, Swedish nationalist MP Laura Hohtassaari and a group of Australian lawmakers nominated him for his role in brokering the Abraham Accords.

Trump lost that time to Filipino and Russian journalists Maria Ressa and Dmitry Muratov, who received the award “for their efforts to protect freedom of expression, a precondition for democracy and lasting peace.”

The former president routinely conflated his Nobel Peace Prize nominations — which the organization does not record, publish or consider an endorsement — as honorary nominations.

Speaking at a rally in Iowa in 2020, he said: “I came home, turned the TV on and they talked about your floods in Iowa. How is Iowa? Crops. How does this happen? How are they doing in Florida? Three or four stories, one after the other.

“Where's my Nobel Peace Prize? They don't talk about it. I said, 'You know, honey. It's a bit hard to break this news.'

Meanwhile, former White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany called the nomination a “well-deserved honor” for Trump.

Donald Trump has failed to win the Nobel Peace Prize several times

(Paul/AFP via Getty)

The organization stresses that receiving a nomination, which can be submitted by any one of thousands of people, is not an “extended honour.”

While Trump has never won the award, his predecessor, former President Barack Obama, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009 “for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation among peoples.”

Obama donated the $1.4 million prize to charity.

His win is something that has angered Trump, who has previously suggested that his predecessor had “no idea” why he was nominated for the award just months into his presidency.

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When Obama got it, he didn't do that – he just said: What did you do? “He had no idea what he did,” Trump said at a 2020 rally.

“They made a big story out of it,” he added. “You did a great job.”

In 2013, Trump tweeted calling for Obama's award to be revoked.

Geir Lundestad, former director of the Norwegian Nobel Institute, later said he regretted Obama's choice. “Even many Obama supporters thought the award was a mistake,” he told the Associated Press news agency. “In this sense, the committee did not achieve what it had hoped for.”

The Nobel Peace Prize will be announced in October.

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