Trump has one more week to comply with a Jan. 6 committee subpoena

Former President Donald Trump will be given an extra week to meet a deadline to hand over documents to a House committee investigating him. January 62021, Attack on the US Capitol.

“We have received correspondence from the former president and his counsel regarding the Select Committee’s subpoena,” Chairman Benny G. Thompson (D-Miss.) and Vice President Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) said in a joint statement Friday evening. . “We have informed the former president’s attorney that he must begin producing records no later than next week, and he is under subpoena for deposition testimony beginning November 14.”

The documents were requested as part of a subpoena the committee issued to the former president on October 21. The subpoena also directed that Trump testify under oath on or after November 14. It is not known whether he will meet that deadline.

Trump lists detailed documents and communications related to January 6, 2021, including phone records, text messages or any exchanges on January 6 with members of Congress and members of militants or extremist groups.

Committee members have previously said they have not yet decided how to compel Trump to comply with the subpoena if he refuses to cooperate voluntarily. Lawmakers can hold the former president in contempt. But legal experts and lawyers on behalf of clients involved in the investigation told the Washington Post The Justice Department is unlikely to eventually prosecute Trump for contempt of Congress.

The committee has yet to make any criminal recommendations to the Justice Department, but Cheney and Thompson make clear in the letter sending the subpoena notice to Trump that his actions to alter the election results were illegal.

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Trump has told advisers he is willing to testify directly before the committee, but his attorney did not respond to a request for comment on the status of his potential cooperation.

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