The videos show Russian units and missiles advancing towards the Ukrainian border

Social media videos of these movements have been geolocated and recognized by CNN – and many more may go unnoticed.

Some of the videos are from official sources; Most are from Dictoc or YouTube. They are analyzed by online viewers and often complement satellite images.

Here is a convoy moving nearby Belgorod In western Russia, beyond the borders of the main Ukrainian city Kharkiv:

There is also ample evidence of military concentration in the Belgorod region.

CNN filmed these videos in the village of Sereteno, 15 miles (24 km) from the border. They were uploaded on Sunday and show tanks passing through the area.

These videos may be geolocated to:

Night time movements

Russian forces also move at night, loading tanks from the train.

There’s more snow here than in the south – CNN made this video Earth location in a village near Belgorod:

Tanks around Voronezh

Surrounding area Voronezh And the crowd seems to be overcrowded. A large collection of tanks and infantry vehicles was filmed from a passing train over the past two days. According to analysts, they are part of the Russian 1st Guard tank army.

View from other angles:

CNN has geolocated these clips to:

Helicopters near Belgorod

In the past two days, social media videos have surfaced about helicopters approaching the Ukrainian border. They can provide important protection to ground forces in the event of an attack. These were filmed near Belgorod:

The Russian structure includes tanks, infantry vehicles called BMPs, and self-propelled artillery – as seen here on a train on the outskirts of Belgorod:

Many hardware travels south of the city Kursk. CNN made this video a geographical location, which was filmed on Saturday.

Missile and artillery support

Michael Kaufman, a Russian analyst for the CNA, a non – profit organization based in Virginia, notes that sections in Kursk (such as the 6th Allied Armed Forces) “move to Belgorod with district-level artillery support. . “

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Of particular concern is the movement of convoys of Iskander-M short-range ballistic missiles, which appear to have been taken over the past few weeks in various parts of western Russia.

If a conflict starts, these will be used to attack stable Ukrainian positions such as command and control bases. They can travel up to 250 miles (402 km) and have been seen in recent satellite imagery.

Rocket launchers near the border

Russian and Belarusian troops began Great joint exercises Last week the Polish border, but some Russian forces went several miles beyond the training ground and took up positions near the borders of Ukraine, Russia and Belarus.

About 15 miles (24 km) north of the Ukrainian border, CNN geopolitically launched the series, which included several rocket launchers.

Russian weapons – and ships – continue to be closed on the Ukrainian border. Sites where equipment was placed 100 miles (161 km) earlier The units gradually evacuated from the border as they moved forward.

Within a few miles of Ukraine are Russian units from the Sea of ​​Azov to the Ukrainian border and Belarus.

“Russia’s current military presence near Ukraine is unprecedented,” tweeted Rob Lee, of the Department of War Research at King’s College London. “It simply came to our notice then [of 2021]. Russia’s air, ground and naval forces near Ukraine are now immeasurably larger. “

Although the equipment appears to have been assembled, it is not known where or when it was moved to the next.

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