The investigation of Vince McMahon is over, and he couldn’t have done better for WWE

WWE announce Yesterday that the board of directors Investigation Alleged payments to Vince McMahon have been completed. The investigation cost the company about $20 million, but other than that, it’s hard to imagine a better outcome for WWE’s business than the way things are today.

As Vince McMahon has gotten older in recent years, there has been significant concern that WWE’s stock would take a major hit if he steps down as CEO, as Vince has been the main driver behind decades of WWE’s success. It turns out that all the gloom and agony about affecting WWE stock was for nothing.

WWE is fool proof now from a financial standpoint. This has been the case for several years, and will remain so as long as the TV rights fee raw And the Smackdown Gladiators remain at this high level and wrestlers continue to receive a small portion of the company’s revenue.

Just to remind you of the sheer size of these numbers, the two separate TV deals WWE signed with NBCU and FOX in 2018 ensured the company total $2.35 billion 2019 through 2024. Nick Kahn was a major player in those negotiations, and is now the co-CEO and runs the business side of things.

All that TV money from NBCU and FOX is guaranteed, so there wasn’t a lot of reason the business world would panic when Vince quit in disgrace in July. Here we are a few months later, and WWE is clearly thriving without McMahon leading the way. The most important figure in WWE was interchangeable after all.

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Vince out of touch And WWE’s tired creative vision is gone. Triple H’s creative and talent-signing process has gone a long way toward restoring the goodwill that Vince drained from the WWE fan base and wrestlers for so many years. When you combine momentum on the creative side with WWE’s strong financial position, things haven’t been promising for WWE in some time.

Oddly enough, Vince’s resignation and investigation of his alleged misconduct had no more strength to survive as a story. However, it should be noted that the WWE Board of Directors investigation was primarily focused on the financial trajectory that Vince left behind. Vince might never have been forced to step down had it not been for his financial missteps, as he could still remain a cruel world where the human cost of his alleged misconduct is easily overlooked and dismissed.

Investigations from other outlets may still be looking into the matter to find out who knew what, when they knew it, and how they responded to it, among other things. But right now, WWE is in a much better position than it was just a few months ago, and that’s mainly because the company is not longer Under the thumb of Vince McMahon.

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