NASA’s DAVINCI space probe plunges into the infernal atmosphere of Venus

NASA’s DAVINCI mission will study the origin, evolution and current state of Venus in unprecedented detail…

Preparing astronauts for the mental and emotional challenges of deep space

But the floating freedom offered by the lack of attractiveness also introduces a number of limitations…

High Contrast Imaging Reveals Unknown Structure in Galaxy

Artist’s impression of a giant galaxy with a high-energy jet. Credit: ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO) Astronomers have just…

Scientists announce a breakthrough in determining the origin of life on Earth – and possibly Mars

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Scientists at the Foundation for Applied Molecular Evolution announced today that RNA,…

A “super-earth” exoplanet four times larger than our planet has been discovered

Meet Ross 508 b: Scientists discover an exoplanet ‘super-Earth’ four times larger than ours orbiting a…

5 planets will line up in the sky early this month

Beginning in the early morning hours of Friday, June 3, the five planets of Mercury, Venus,…

The mysterious Hypatia stone may hold the earliest evidence of a Type Ia . supernova

Zoom / Small samples of Hypatia stone next to a small coin. Rare Type Ia supernovae…

First images from NASA’s Webb Space Telescope

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope. Credit: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center and Northrop Grumman These first…

A new physics theory suggests that black holes are key to the universe’s expansion and contraction cycles

The universe is expanding. No one with any experience in astronomy or physics disagrees with this…

NASA hires two private companies to develop the lunar space suit

NASA announced today that two private companies – Axiom Space and Collins Aerospace – will develop…