British fossil hunter discovers Europe’s largest predatory dinosaur

Artist’s drawing of the huge white rock spinuride. A giant crocodile-faced dinosaur discovered on the Isle…

Astronomers may have discovered a ‘dark’ heat

image: Hubble Space Telescope image of a distant star that has been distorted and distorted by…

Astronomers may have discovered a free-floating ‘dark’ black hole

An artist’s drawing of a black hole. Shows the micro-gravity lens[{” attribute=””>black hole candidate, one of…

NASA’s Perseverance rover on Mars has its ‘rock pet’ rover

NASA’s Persevere rover has picked up a rocky passenger on the surface of Mars. The rover…

Perseverance’s new friend on Mars is a pet rock

A rock found its way into the rover’s left front wheel in early February while it…

Perseverance’s new friend on Mars is a pet rock

A rock found its way into the rover’s left front wheel in early February while it…

Scientists have discovered the remains of one of the largest predatory dinosaurs in Europe

what’s left of Spinosaurida predatory dinosaur with two feet and a face resembling a crocodile, was…

NASA says a small space rock affected the James Webb Space Telescope

In its new home away from Earth, the James Webb Space Telescope may not be quite…

NASA’s powerful new space telescope is hit by a larger-than-expected microscopic meteor

NASA’s powerful new space observatory, the James Webb Space Telescope, was pelted by a larger-than-expected microscopic…

A new, unusual, recurring fast radio burst detected 3 billion light-years away

The cosmic body is distinctive when compared with other discoveries of radio bursts in recent years,…