NASA says the Artemis I mission will be ready for launch within a month

Zoom / NASA’s Space Launch System will conduct a nightly launch on its current schedule. Trevor…

NASA says shallow lakes in the icy crust of Jupiter’s moon Europa could erupt

This illustration depicts a plume of water vapor that can be emitted from the icy surface…

New discoveries may reveal the nature of dark matter

by Arc Center for All Sky Astrophysics in 3D (ASTRO 3D) October 11 2022 Gravitational lenses…

Perhaps ancient Mars was teeming with life, until it led to the climate change that caused its demise

Researchers at the University of Arizona’s Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology simulated the conditions that…

The sharpest images from Earth of Jupiter’s moons, Europa and Ganymede, reveal their icy landscape

Jupiter’s moon Europa captured by ESO’s Very Large Telescope (VLT). Credit: ESO/King & Fletcher The most…

Researchers found that ancient Mars was teeming with microbial life Mars

very old Mars French scientists reported today, Monday, that an environment capable of harboring an underground…

October meteors can release additional bright fireballs and meteors

The night sky could be even more gorgeous than usual this month, thanks to the Orionid…

Ancient DNA discovered 1 million years ago in Antarctica: ScienceAlert

As we are of the types Attention is constantly diminishingHowever, it can be difficult to understand…

After 200 years, a fundamental puzzle in physical chemistry may have been solved: ScienceAlert

The question of how accurately protons move through water in an electric field has fascinated scientists…

The CAPSTONE team takes back control of the situation from the spacecraft – no longer stuck in space

The Cislunar Autonomous Positioning System Technology Operations and Navigation Experiment, or CAPSTONE, is a CubeSat that…