Russia-Ukraine war: live announcements and news

Washington – According to US officials, President Vladimir V. After Putin launched a full-scale invasion last month, Russia called on China to provide military equipment and support for the war in Ukraine.

Russia has also asked China for additional economic assistance to help it deal with the impact on its economy Wide barriers According to an official, it was imposed by the United States and European and Asian countries.

U.S. officials have stated they will not run in the by-elections. Officials declined to discuss China’s response to the demands.

There is Chinese President Xi Jinping Strengthened a partnership Russia has stepped up its military campaign, destroying cities in Ukraine and massacring hundreds or thousands of civilians. He sided with Putin. U.S. officials are closely monitoring China’s response to Russia’s request for assistance. White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan is scheduled to meet with Yang Jiechi, a member of the Chinese Communist Party’s elite Politburo and director of the party’s Central Foreign Commission, in Rome on Monday.

Mr. Mr. Sullivan spoke about future Chinese efforts to encourage Russia in its war or to undermine Ukraine, the United States and their allies. Yang wants to warn.

“We are in direct contact with Beijing personally. Large-scale embargo evasion efforts or support for Russia’s refill will have absolute consequences,” he said. Sullivan told CNN on Sunday.

“We will not allow it to move forward and we will not allow any country in the world to be a lifeline to Russia from these sanctions,” he said.

Mr. Sullivan did not explicitly mention China’s potential military support, but other US officials spoke anonymously about Russia’s request because of its sensitivity to diplomatic and intelligence matters.

Liu Pengui, a spokesman for the Chinese embassy in Washington, D.C., said he had not heard from Russia. “The current situation in Ukraine is really unsatisfactory,” he said, adding that Beijing wants to find a peaceful solution. “Now the highest priority is to prevent the escalation of a tense situation or the violation of control.”

The Biden administration is seeking to present to China the consequences of its alliance with Russia and the penalties it will face if it continues or increases its support. Some US officials argue that Beijing could prevent it from increasing its aid to Moscow. Chinese leaders may be satisfied with providing verbal support for Moscow, and by providing military support for the war, Mr.

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Mr. Sullivan said that “before the invasion, China knew that Vladimir Putin was planning something,” but that the Chinese did not know the full extent of the Russian leader’s plans. “Just as Putin lied to Europeans and others, he may have lied to them,” he said.

Mr. Xi, more than any other head of state, Mr. Putin has met 38 times as national leaders, and two more Share a drive To weaken American power.

Traditionally, China buys military equipment from Russia more than any other way. Russia is Increased its sales Arms to China in recent years. But Russia has advanced missile and drone capabilities that can be used in its Ukraine campaign.

Russia launched a missile attack on a military training ground in western Ukraine on Sunday, killing at least 35 people, but according to independent analysts, there is some evidence that Russian missile supplies are declining.

Last week, the White House criticized China The Kremlin helps spread misinformation About the United States and Ukraine. In recent days, Chinese diplomats, state media and government agencies have used a number of sites and official social media accounts to propagate the conspiracy theory that the Pentagon is financing biological and chemical weapons laboratories in Ukraine. Right-wing political figures This theory has also been promoted in the United States.

On Friday, Russia convened a meeting of the United Nations Security Council to present its claims on laboratories, with Chinese Ambassador to the UN Zhang Jun backing his Russian envoy.

“Now that Russia has made these false claims, China has endorsed the campaign. We must all look to Russia for the use of chemical or biological weapons in Ukraine or to create a false flag movement,” Jenzaki, the White House press secretary, wrote on Twitter last Wednesday.

China is also involved in Iran’s nuclear talks, which have been paralyzed by Russia’s new demands to lift sanctions imposed by the West in retaliation for the Ukraine war.

U.S. officials are trying to determine to what extent China will support Russia’s position in those talks. Prior to raising the demands of Russia, the officials of the countries concerned, Donald J. Trump’s departure was close to returning to the version of the Obama term nuclear limit agreement, Mr. Mr. Sullivan on Monday. Let’s bring Iran with Yang. .

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Current and former U.S. officials say the Rome meeting is important in light of the lives at risk in the Ukraine war and the potential for Russia and China to present a geopolitical united front against the United States and its allies.

Evan Maduros, a professor at Georgetown University who was a senior Asian director at the National Security Council during the Obama administration, said: “This meeting could be important and a moment to determine the relationship.

“I think what the US is probably going to do is plan the possible costs and consequences for China’s complicity and Russia’s aggression,” he said. “I do not think anyone in the administration has the illusion that the United States can pull China out of Russia.”

Some U.S. officials, including Mr. Mr Putin has said he will not run in the by-elections. Looking for ways to force Shia. Others Mr. They see Shia as a lost cause and want to see China and Russia as firm partners, hoping that it will enhance policies and coordination between Asian and European allies.

Chinese officials have expressed sympathy for Russia during the Ukraine war. Mr. on NATO. They have reiterated their criticism of Putin and blamed the United States for initiating the conflict. Although they expressed general concern for the humanitarian crisis, they avoided any reference to the Russian “war” or “invasion.”

They refer to support for “sovereignty and territorial integrity”, but a generally catchy phrase in Chinese diplomacy, but they do not explicitly state which country’s sovereignty they support – either in favor of Ukraine or Mr. Territory of Imperial Russia.

China and Russia released a 5,000-word statement on February 4 Winter Olympics In Beijing. At the time, senior Chinese officials Russian top officials asked No. Invade Ukraine By the end of the games, according to US and European officials, citing a Western intelligence report.

Beginning last November, U.S. officials Held quiet speech With Chinese officials, including the ambassador to Washington and the foreign minister, to persuade the Chinese not to start a war with the Russians, Mr. Chinese officials rejected the Americans at every meeting, and Mr. U.S. officials say Putin is suspected of plotting to overthrow Ukraine.

CIA Director William J. Burns told a Senate hearing on Thursday that he believed Mr G Ukraine was “inconsistent” with the war.

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Last Tuesday, Mr. again and again China’s standard talks war on video call with French and German leaders. He called on all nations to exercise “maximum control” and said that China was “deeply saddened” by the resumption of hostilities on the European continent. He did not say that Russia had started the war.

U.S. and European officials say large Chinese companies will largely avoid openly violating sanctions on Russia for fear it could affect their global trade. On Thursday, some Russian news articles and commentary called into question China’s commitment to Russia. Refused to ship aircraft parts To the country.

As Russian and US officials often remind people, there are relatively few friends or allies. Officials say this is a sign of the difficulties Russia is facing in its attempt to subjugate Ukraine.

As the United States and Europe increase pressure and sanctions, Moscow is seeking more help.

In building the war, Russia enlisted the help of Belarus and used its territory to launch part of the invasion. Minsk also tried to avoid Moscow sanctions. Those actions prompted the EU to impose sanctions on Belarus. Penalties restrict remittances from Europe to Belarus and prevent the use of certain Belarusian banks SWIFT Financial News System.

Michael Carpenter, the US ambassador to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, accused Belarus of being a “co-occupier” and “stabbing your neighbor in the back” in Ukraine.

President of Belarus Alexander G. Lukashenko has said his army will not join the war. But Russia fired missiles from Belarus and admitted some wounded Russian soldiers to hospitals in the country.

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, who owes his government the survival of Russian intervention in the Syrian civil war, also announced his support for the Moscow invasion. According to the Pentagon, Russia has sought to recruit Syrian fighters to join the Ukraine war.

While there are no details on how many people Moscow has recruited or whether they have come to Ukraine, U.S. officials said it was an indicator of strategic and tactical problems affecting Russian commanders.

Before the war began, European officials, Russian military contractors with experience fighting in Syria and Libya, secretly entered eastern Ukraine to lay the groundwork for an invasion.

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