Rishi Sunak, Benny Mordant and Boris Johnson are in the running for UK Prime Minister


LONDON — After a whirlwind two months filled with drama and crisis, Britain finds itself back where it was before, with some of the same faces set for a third prime minister in eight weeks.

Supporters of the three front-runners – Rishi Sunak, Benny Mordant and, yes, Boris Johnson – took to the blocks in the early hours of Friday morning, making pitches for why their man should get the keys to 10 Downing Street, the prime minister. Residence.

Could Boris Johnson stage an extraordinary political comeback? What about bookies’ favorite Rishi Sunak, who fell to Liz Truss in the last competition? Or Benny Mordant, who is not widely known but polls well with Conservative Party members? Or could someone else emerge as the leading hopeful to become the next Conservative Party leader?

Friday front pages The dress was firmly in the rearview mirror of Britain’s famously flamboyant tabloids as they focused on, in the words of the Daily Mail, “Boris v Rishi: Fight for the soul of the Tories”. The Telegraph, The Sun and the Daily Express all put Johnson on their front pages, while the left-leaning Mirror called for a general election “now” in huge print.

It has been less than 24 hours since Truss announced he was stepping down as leader, giving himself the undeserved title of shortest-serving prime minister. The party is working on a surprisingly tight deadline and plans to wrap up their contest in a week.

No one has officially declared they are running, but backers of the top three spots — and the new rules ensure there can be no more than three — have begun declaring their support.

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Rishi Sunak is the bookies’ favourite. The runner-up in the last leadership race was remarkably quiet, but his The “Ready for Rishi” team started kicking into gear. They point out that his candidacy received a lot of support from his colleagues during the last race and say that many of his economic ideas became groundbreaking.

His critics argue that he betrayed Johnson and blame him for helping to end that era. But According to the Daily TelegraphHe has more public declarations of support than any other candidate.

“Rishi’s talent, compassion, economic vision and his leadership skills make him a unifying candidate for our party. Rishi’s charisma and wide appeal in the country means he is well placed to rebuild support for our party. wrote Nick Gibb, a Conservative MP.

Jonson’s supporters want him to turn from his plow – brought back to deal with the crisis by the classical hero Cincinnatus, whom Jonson referred to in his resignation speech.

Johnson, who was the 55th British Prime Minister, is rumored to want to become the 57th British Prime Minister as well. Those in the “bring back Boris” camp argue that Johnson is the only candidate with the “mandate” to lead. In 2019, Johnson helped his party to a landslide victory in the general election. It’s not certain whether anyone else could raise the population to the same level — or even Johnson.

“A person is elected by the British public with a statement and mandate until January 25. If Liz Truss is no longer Prime Minister, there can be no coronation of previously unsuccessful candidates. MPs should demand back @BorisJohnson – Else it should be Chief Election or GE” or General Election. Tweeted Nadine Dorries, Johnson loyalist.

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It’s Johnson Best choice Of the 170,000 Conservative Party members. But there is also widespread opposition among the wider population. His tenure was marked by scandal after scandal, and his refusal to accept accountability angered voters and his own colleagues. He was the first Prime Minister to be fined by the police.

Johnson is still under investigation by the House of Commons for allegedly misleading lawmakers over infamous Downing Street parties and could still be suspended from parliament.

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The Conservatives began slipping behind opposition Labor in the polls for the first time in years at the start of the year. Johnson is still on trial for lying to Parliament. It wasn’t too long ago that 41 percent of Johnson’s own colleagues said they had no confidence in his leadership.

Few would be surprised if he officially announced his candidacy. After all, there was a reference to Cincinnatus in his final speech, and Johnson seems ready to leave the farm again for his country.

A third potential successor seen by many is Benny Mordant, who is trying to become a household name but may have a ways to go – in a survey, most respondents Couldn’t name her When she showed the photo. But his “PM4PM” supporters are seeking to change that, pointing out that he polls better than Sunak with all key Conservative Party members.

In the waning days of Truss’s tenure, Mordant’s vision received a big boost when he stood as prime minister in parliament and deftly handled hostile questions following the demolition of the economic plan. Many speculated at the time that it might be a A dry run for his own bid As it demonstrated his ability as a parliamentary trooper, he was elevated to a higher position.

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Candidates don’t have much time to drum up support. That will happen soon as the race is cut off. Britain could have a new prime minister by Monday.

The rules were changed on Thursday so that the country can quickly replace the truss. Candidates must win the support of at least 100 conservative colleagues to advance in the race. By 2pm on Monday, when nominations close, only one candidate will be presented at the high bar.

If there is more than one, the hopefuls will be whittled down before the final two are presented to the Conservative Party’s 170,000 members. Officials have said that the tournament will end on October 28.

Some argued that this system was undemocratic. The new leader will be chosen by a group of about 350 Conservative lawmakers, or, if the membership goes, 170,000 people — not the same as an election for the entire country.

“By the end of October, the UK will have had three prime ministers in eight weeks, two of whom will have come to power without a general election…” Financial Times wrote In an editorial. “That another Conservative Prime Minister will be elected without a general election ignores not only the UK’s growing democratic deficit, but also the incompetence displayed by its pathetic government.”

But despite growing calls for a general election, that seems highly unlikely. The Conservative Party, with the current polls, is probably not expected to do its doom.

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