Republicans worry they won't make any progress they can hold on to in 2024 – NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth

When Congress began the new year, Rep. Andy Biggs gave a television interview and made a startling admission: House Republicans hadn't done anything they could run on.

“We have nothing. In my opinion, we have nothing to go out and campaign for,” the Arizona Republican said on the conservative network Newsmax. “It's embarrassing.”

Broadcaster Chris Salcedo responded with a bemused chuckle. “I know,” he said. “The Republican Party in the Congress majority has no accomplishments.”

The exchange captured a dynamic looming over Republican lawmakers heading into the 2024 election: They have passed little substantive legislation since winning the majority in 2022 and have struggled to do the basics of governing with a Democratic-led Senate. Instead, their first year is marked by Division and chaosWhich complicates the party's position before voters this fall. The challenge is highlighted by the making of potential Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump “Retribution” from his enemiesInstead of shared political goals, that has been the focus of his comeback bid as he continues to spread fabricated claims that the 2020 election was stolen from him.

With 10 months until Election Day, Republicans still have few chances to salvage what has been a historically fruitless session of Congress and pass new laws in divided government.

Frustration with the underachievement of Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas, boiled over on Thanksgiving when he took to the stage to deliver a fiery speech that gained national attention. “I want my Republican colleagues to give me one thing – one! – I can continue the campaign and say we did it. One!” Roy exclaimed. “Anybody sitting in the caucus who wants to get down to earth and come explain to me something material, meaningful, and important that the Republican majority did and besides, well, I guess it's not as bad as the Democrats.”

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