Punk calls Jericho a “liar and a stooge”, and criticizes Moxley and Tony Khan

In a now-deleted Instagram story, CM Punk responded to what appears to be a claim by Dave Meltzer on his message board about Punk initially refusing to lose to Jon Moxley on the August 24, 2022, episode of AEW Dynamite.

It was Punk’s first match in AEW after he broke his foot in June, and John ended up defeating CM. Punk then beat Moxley in a rematch All Out 2022before a backstage fight with The Elite that resulted in Punk’s current absence from AEW.

Firstly, Here is Meltzer Answering the question of why Punk vs. Moxley was created in Everyone out It was very short and not previously announced:

Because Punk agreed to it, and then AEW got a legal letter saying he didn’t drop the matter and he didn’t and they didn’t know if he was coming until Tony got his foot in. There are so many nice things I could say about him, and you can absolutely argue his stance on Moxley was correct. , but you cannot argue that he willingly did what was asked of him in this scenario.”

Punk then told his side of the story on Instagram, and in doing so, made some eye-opening accusations against Moxley and AEW President Tony Khan, while also snubbing Chris Jericho:

“Sigh. I haven’t been allowed to go back to wrestling yet. [The] The plan was to wrestle in ppv. I sat and listened [Moxley’s] Three Rocky Idea. I explained how I had never seen the movie Rocky before [and I] I thought the idea was lousy but if the manager wants to do it whatever. He said he wouldn’t lose me. I’ve never experienced anyone who refuses to lose to me. I just laughed. I asked Tony if that was what he wanted. He said yes. He’s the boss, so I said ok, but I’ll need my clearance first. They kept saying it could just be squash, so I didn’t need to cleanse. I laughed at that. My health is more important. Dave Meltzer is a liar. False Jericho and tool. There were plans but plans always change but I will never put a company above my health again.”

Jericho is widely believed to be one of Meltzer’s sources and is rumored to be very against the idea of ​​Punk returning to AEW, so I’m guessing Punk is calling him to feed Meltzer the trash storyline.

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Punk’s claim that Moxley refused to set, and that Tony Khan pressured him to return to the ring before he was medically cleared are damning allegations against Everyman’s professionalism and character.

Khan, Jericho, and Moxley are three of the most powerful people in AEW, so the fact that Punk is criticizing them in such a rude way doesn’t bode well for his potential return to the company.

What do you think of this, Cagesiders?

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