Nvidia is now worth more than Amazon and Alphabet

Nvidia surpassed Alphabet in market cap on Wednesday, just a day after it overtook Amazon. Bloomberg The chip maker's stock is reported to be… It is now worth $1.83 trillion, narrowly beating Google's owner market capitalization of $1.82. This makes Nvidia the world's fourth-largest company by value in the wake of the AI ​​boom, behind Microsoft ($3.04 trillion), Apple ($2.84 trillion) and Saudi Aramco. The company currently manufactures the H100 chip, which powers the majority of LLM software in use today, including OpenAI's ChatGPT and the majority of AI projects from Microsoft, Meta, and Amazon.

The world's largest technology companies are engaged in an AI chip arms race, with each hoping to create its own GPU chip to topple Nvidia's virtual monopoly. Ironically, as well Bloomberg He notes that Nvidia's highest AI chip sales come from those same companies. The Santa Clara-based company is close to launching its superior artificial intelligence chip, the H200, which has greater memory capacity and bandwidth than its predecessor. Earlier this month, Reuters It was reported that Nvidia invested $30 billion in a unit dedicated to helping other companies Making their own custom AI chips. This means that even if companies choose to build their own AI chips, Nvidia could get a piece of the work.

Meanwhile, direct competitors like Intel and AMD are working on their own powerful chips that could rival the H200.

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