Nikki Haley says Trump tried to “make friends with dictators” while in office

Washington – Former UN Ambassador Nikki HaleyGoing for a big test as he faces Donald Trump This week is the New Hampshire primaryThe former president, in whose cabinet he served, was criticized on Sunday for his ties to “dictators who want to kill us.”

“You can't have somebody trying to make friends with dictators who want to kill us,” Haley said on “Face the Nation.” “Instead, you have to let them know what we expect of them. That's the difference.”

The comments came as Haley tried throughout her campaign to draw a line between her foreign policy and that of the former president, published in recent days. New ad About American college student Otto WarmbierHe said Trump's approach to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, who was taken hostage by North Korea in 2016 and died soon after his release, showed “something different.”

Haley said Sunday that Trump's engagement with the North Korean leader “goes back to a pattern,” referring to Trump's positive statements about what he called a “bromance” with Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Jan. 21, 2024 by Nikki Haley on “Face the Nation.”

CBS News

“When you have wars all over the world right now, the instability that we have, our goal is to prevent war, and we can't do that by trying to make friends with them,” he said.

The moves come ahead of the New Hampshire primary, where Haley has staked much of her White House aspirations — especially after her third-place finish in Iowa, where she hopes to make inroads with independents and moderates. Polls suggest the Granite State is very friendly to Haley, and he received the coveted endorsement of New Hampshire's largest newspaper, the Manchester Union-Leader. A strong finish could give Haley a potential boost in speed heading into other primary states like her home state of South Carolina.

According to Trump increased His defiance of Haley in recent days, fresh from a decisive victory in Iowa, says he is running for the Democratic primary.

Haley responded to the claim in a social media post Mail On Friday, Democrats could not vote in the New Hampshire primary and have not been able to change their registration for months.

“Another reason we need to move on from Trump: too many lies,” he wrote.

Haley reiterated her pitch on Sunday that Americans do not want a Biden-Trump rematch in 2024, stressing that a Trump presidency would cause “chaos.”

“Whatever it is, confusion follows him, rightly or wrongly, confusion follows him,” he said. “So what's going on is confusing to the rest of America.”

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