Monkey: The first possible cases have been reported in Missouri, Indiana

The Indiana Department of Health They also said they were investigating the monkey flu but would not release the patient’s location.

Work is underway to find contacts in both states. Preliminary testing has been carried out at state health department labs and confirmation testing is pending at U.S. centers for disease control and prevention labs.

β€œThe risk of monkey flu among the general public continues to be very low,” Indiana Health Commissioner Dr Chris Fox said. “Monkeys are rare and do not spread easily through brief casual contact.”

As of Friday, the CDC reports More than 110 confirmed monkey box / orthobox virus cases in several states. There are 24 cases in California, followed by 21 in New York and 15 in Illinois.

The health department in Houston, Texas, confirmed its first monkey flu on Saturday.

“The resident developed symptoms after returning from the trip and is experiencing mild illness,” the Houston Department of Health said in a written statement. “The resident was not admitted to the hospital and was isolated at home.”

The The first case of monkey disease In the United States in 2022, after returning from Canada, a Massachusetts resident reported a positive test in mid-May.
This year 2,103 confirmed cases from 42 countries and 1 suspected monkey pox have been reported to the World Health Organization. NigeriaOne step Condition improvement From whom.

The monkey is a rare infection, a much less serious relative of the now extinct giant virus. It is native to parts of West and Central Africa and is generally contracted from rodents or small mammals. It does not spread easily from one person to another.

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However, the monkey box virus is spread by contact with body fluids, monkey sores, or items contaminated with the virus, such as clothing and bedding. According to the CDC, it is usually spread from person to person through respiratory droplets in an intimate setting.

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