Michigan will be “purple from now until November,” says Rep. Debbie Dingell

Washington – Rep. Debbie Dingell, a Michigan Democrat, has previously insisted State Principal Michigan will be a competitive state on Tuesday – with a general election.

“Michigan is a purple state,” Dingell said on “Face the Nation” Sunday. “This state will be purple from now until November.”

As the nomination race heats up, Michiganders head to the polls this week to vote in the state's presidential election. For President Biden, the primary marks a pivotal moment in his re-election campaign as his administration faces a backlash among Arab Americans for its approach to the Israel-Hamas war.

Dingell said the issue is “very important” to voters in Michigan, which has one of the largest communities of Arab and Muslim Americans. He noted that people are “trying to make sure the president listens to them.” Two campaigns – “Quit Biden” campaign and another Michigan urges Democrats to vote “Uncertain.”

When asked if this was wrong Mr. Biden did not meet On a recent trip to Michigan with members of the Arab American and Muslim communities, Dingle said she thinks the president “will have to do it at some point down the road.”

“This community is very angry right now,” he said, adding that Mr. Biden told Israel's prime minister he was very concerned about the military response in Gaza, and in private conversations he was working toward a temporary ceasefire.

But Dingell also highlighted that reproductive health was a major issue in Michigan's midterms, with unprecedented turnout. And getting women to vote will be “absolutely critical” in November, he said.

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“We've got to get young people, we've got to get women, we've got to go to the union halls,” she said. “We need to go to those union halls and make a comparison — what Donald Trump did and didn't do — he talked, he didn't deliver — and remind people of what Joe Biden delivered.”

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