“Ghost Of Tsushima” is already flooded with negative reviews on Steam [Updated]

Updated 05/17/24 and 5/19/24 – see updates below.

Not long ago, I wrote about how Sony was squandering gamers’ good will with Hell Divers 2 disaster. The game publisher announced that it would require this Hell Divers 2 PC players link their PSN accounts to Steam to continue playing the game. The only problem?

A lot of PC gamers either don’t want to create a PSN account because they don’t own a PlayStation, or simply can’t because they live in one of 177 different countries where it’s not possible. Sony ended up reversing the decision after bad press – and hundreds of thousands of negative Steam user reviews – forced it to do so.

But the damage has been done, and the good will has already been lost. One of the best PlayStation 4 games ever, ghost of tsushima, It lands on Steam today and Already there are negative user comments. From what I’ve looked at so far, none of the negative reviews have anything to do with the gameplay or performance of the game on Steam.

Instead, all the negative reviews focus on the PSN requirements. In case ghost of tsushima, The advertising for this was much better. Hell Divers 2 It waived this requirement for months before Sony made the announcement, which is largely why it was met with massive backlash. Ghost of Tsushima He makes it clear from the beginning. It also explains that the requirements are only limited to the co-op multiplayer portion of the game and the PlayStation overlay, meaning you can play the entire single-player campaign – the bulk of the game – without a PSN account linked to your Steam account.

My hunch here is that if it had never been there Hell Divers 2 The PSN controversy, and all the bad press it generated, Ghost of Tsushima The PSN requirements would have mostly gone under the radar. Sony has made this bed for themselves, and now all Steam releases with multiplayer components will be subject to a lot of negative reviews focused solely on that.

It’s unfortunate timing. The game is being released on Steam at the same time that Ubisoft revealed the first Japanese game Doctrine killer Game, Shadows of Assassin’s Creed. That game is Already embroiled in controversy over one of its main protagonists, YasukeSony could have easily taken advantage of this by making a big deal through… Ghost of Tsushima Steam release. Instead, both games get bogged down in their own controversies. That’s why we can’t have beautiful things.

Side note: I don’t see any official reviews of the game on any gaming sites or on YouTube, which makes me wonder if review codes were ever sent out. This is somewhat worrying. I’ll take it for a spin and see what it is.

Updated 5/17

Ghost of Tsushima The reviews on Steam have improved significantly since I first posted this right after the game launched. At the time, a much higher percentage of reviews were negative. Since then, the game has received very positive reviews which raised the game score to “Very Positive” which is very positive!

The game is great, but I think it’s still worth noting that the most common negative user review on Steam focuses on the PSN requirements rather than anything related to gameplay or PC performance. There are also negative reviews about performance, including crashes, freezes, game not launching, etc. Other reviews point out how it’s banned in countries without PSN.

Regardless, my point still stands: even very good games that satisfy the majority of PC gamers will come under fire when you need something like PSN to play them. Nobody likes how you have to fire up the Ubisoft launcher when purchasing the game on Steam either. Activision was smart when they released it Call of duty On Steam I also didn’t require people to have Battle.net to play the game (although I’m less impressed with that game’s launcher).

Ultimately, though, I’m happy with it Ghost of Tsushima It is loved by the PC gaming community. It is truly a great game and deserves praise and as many players as possible.

In other news, Shadows of Assassin’s Creed It is the first game in this franchise to explore feudal Japan. It looks really good, although I’m always a bit wary of Ubisoft games these days.

Updated 5/19/24

This latest update aims to help players who may experience performance-related issues in the game (such as freezing, crashing, bad frame rate, etc.)

The best solution I’ve seen for this so far comes from Steam user TheViltsuZ. It requires turning off PlayStation Overlay, which can only be done if you’re not playing the cooperative multiplayer portion of the game.

TheViltsuZ wrote:

If you don’t care about the multiplayer aspect or Playstation overlay, you can delete or rename the PSPC_SDK folder at %programdata%\Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc\ to get a 30-70% performance boost.

I’m on a 1660 Super and before deleting the folder the game was running at about 40fps on high settings. After deleting it, the game now runs at approximately 65 FPS. And this is even before FSR3 is turned on.

We must raise awareness of this matter. The port is not good. Or at least the Playstation overlay isn’t a good thing.

Two things:

  • I would say that last claim is outside the norm. The port – by the experts at Nixxes – is very good and works very well for most players. There are many reports of crashes and other issues, but this is pretty standard for PC versions. Many factors play a role in PC gaming performance, from hardware age to third-party software and more. This is inevitable and is one of the major problems for developers on PC. On closed platforms like Xbox and PlayStation, this isn’t a problem. I think it’s safe to say that this port is excellent overall, but that doesn’t mean you won’t have issues with it.
  • This is a very simple solution for anyone experiencing issues. Simply type %programdata%\Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc\ in your Windows File Explorer and find the PSPC_SDK folder, which you can rename or delete. This will disable PlayStation Overlay and should give you a healthy frame rate boost. You can also lower the shadows, which could easily get another 10fps without impacting the visuals too much.

As I mentioned in the first update, the game’s review score is much better than it was right after launch. It’s also been a smash hit, with over 72,000 concurrent players on Steam on the 18th. God of wars Record as the most played PlayStation PC port. Not too shabby!

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