Elon Musk addresses Twitter employees for the first time at Town Hall

June 13 (Reuters) – Elon Musk will speak to Twitter (TWTR.N) On Monday, a source said, citing an email from Twitter CEO Paraj Agrawal to employees, that employees this week for the first time at a company-wide meeting since launching his $44 billion bid in April.

The source added that the meeting is scheduled for Thursday, and that Musk will receive direct questions from Twitter employees.

The news, first reported by Business Insider, comes after Twitter said last week that it expects shareholders to vote on the sale by early August.

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A Twitter spokesperson confirmed that Musk will attend the company’s comprehensive meeting this week.

Since Musk’s takeover bid, several Twitter employees have expressed concerns that the billionaire’s erratic behavior could destabilize the social media company’s business, and hurt it financially.

Back in April, Agrawal was seen quelling employee anger during a company-wide meeting where employees demanded answers about how managers plan to deal with the expected exodus that Musk has called for. Read more

Last week, Musk warned Twitter that he could walk away from his deal to take over the company, if it fails to provide the data on the fake and spam accounts he seeks. Read more

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Additional reporting by Sheila Dang in New York and Akriti Sharma in Bengaluru; Additional reporting by Nishit Jogi. Editing by Supershaw Sahu and Shalish Cooper

Our criteria: Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.

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