Dr. Anthony Fassi tested positive for Kovit, who has mild symptoms

To study the federal government’s response to corona virus disease (COVID-19) and new variants emerging in Capitol Hill, Dr. A.S. Anthony Fauci, Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee attended the hearing. Washington, DC, US January 11, 2022.

Greg Nash | Reuters

Dr. Anthony Fossie, head of the US government’s Govt epidemic response initiative, has tested positive for the corona virus.

Fassi, who has been fully vaccinated and has twice been encouraged to fight goiter, is experiencing mild symptoms, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, which he heads, said in a statement Wednesday.

“Dr. Fossie will be isolated and will continue to work from home,” the statement said. “He has not been in close contact with the president recently [Joe] பிடன் Or other senior government officials. “

Fauci Biden, 81, is the director of NIAID, a division of the National Institutes of Health, and the chief medical adviser.

According to a CNBC analysis of data compiled by Johns Hopkins University, there has been a resurgence of epidemics in the United States in March and April after less than 30,000 Govt cases a day. The highly contagious Omigron variant is driven by the fact that, since the end of May, the number of new infections a day has averaged more than 100,000.

NIAID said in a statement that it would return to the NIH in the event of a negative test for Covit-19 guidelines issued by the Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and “his doctor’s medical advice.”

Ever since the epidemic began in earnest in the United States in March 2020, the epidemiologist has been the public face of the response to Govt.

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When social exclusion, wearing of masks and the availability of vaccines became available, Fossi encouraged efforts to mitigate the corona virus, making him a hero to many. But he also drew criticism from others who believed the official answers to Govt were too harsh.

Fassi often deceived his character under then-President Donald Trump, who significantly underestimated its risk when the Govt first erupted in China, and was sometimes critical of Fassi.

Last month, Fauci told CNN If Trump wins a second term as president in 2024, he will not continue as the White House’s chief medical adviser.

“It simply came to our notice then [Trump] Management, I think, you know, you can say this is not optimal, “Fauzi said in the interview.

“I think history will tell itself about that.”

Nearly 86 million Americans have been affected by Govt disease in the past 18 months. It says more than 1 million people in the United States have died from the virus Corona Virus Resource Center at Johns Hopkins Medical University.

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