Chapter 42 Biden was barred by a judge from disabling border policy

WASHINGTON – A federal judge in Louisiana has issued a temporary restraining order against the Biden administration, preventing it from moving forward with its plan to end Chapter 42. Epidemic time boundary policy.

Judge Robert R. Wright, of Louisiana’s Western District. Summerhase issued a temporary restraining order against the Biden administration two days earlier.

The Biden administration was on track The policy must be completed by May 23rdA result that came below Strict criticism Republicans and some vulnerable Democrats are set to run in re-election this year.

The order prohibits the Department of Homeland Security from taking steps to initiate Title 42, such as processing large numbers of immigrants using ordinary immigration routes before May 23. To date, a judge appointed by the President though

Donald TrumpHas set up an inquiry into the long-term ban known as the injunction.

When asked by a Biden executive immigration official on Tuesday about the impending order, the administration said it planned to comply, but “we do not really agree with the basic precedent.”

A lawsuit filed by Arizona, Louisiana and several other Republican-led states alleges that the Biden administration began to reduce its use of Title 42 before the end of May and asked the judge to intervene immediately.

In response, a senior immigration official from the Department of Homeland Security filed a lawsuit against Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador alleging that the administration had particularly increased the expeditious removal of deported adults.

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The practice of deporting or deporting an adult using Title 42 is similar. Under the rapid removal of a normal immigration process, immigrants are given an opportunity to seek early asylum screening before being deported quickly — most single adults fail at that. Once a person is deported, deportation will be recorded in that person’s register if he or she attempts to cross the border again, which is an offense prosecuted by prosecutors.

Title 42, on the other hand, eliminated formal consequences, resulting in multiple attempts to cross the border several times in the hope that single adults could enter the country undetected.

Write to Michael Hockman at [email protected]

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