Capcom is polling Dragon's Dogma 2 players about potential DLC

Capcom is surveying Dragon's Dogma 2 players about their experience with the game, as well as potential DLC.

As spotted VGCthe reconnaissance It includes a question asking users if they are interested in purchasing Dragon's Dogma 2 DLC, with a number of pricing options ranging from $9.99 to over $50. Those who complete the survey receive a Dragon's Dogma 2 wallpaper.

Image credit: Capcom.

Capcom has yet to announce DLC plans for Dragon's Dogma 2, which launched only last week. But its big launch on Steam, where it set a record for concurrent players for a single-player Capcom game on Valve's platform, suggests there's more to come. Concurrent player numbers are not available for Dragon's Dogma 2 on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series

This week Capcom revealed the planned updates for Dragon's Doctrine 2, including adding the option to start a new game when save data already exists. For some inexplicable reason, Dragon's Dogma 2 does not include this option Modders have already brought it to the PC version. Elsewhere, Capcom said it will increase the number of Art of Metamorphosis items available in Pawn Guilds to 99. Art of Metamorphosis allows you to modify your character, which One of many day-one microtransactions that Capcom currently sells for real money.

Meanwhile, Dragon's Dogma 2 on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series More importantly, Capcom will add the option to toggle the frame rate to either variable or a maximum of 30 fps. Players have criticized the frame rate in Dragon's Dogma 2, which Capcom said was related to the stress placed on CPUs by a large number of NPCs. It is worth noting that Capcom said that switching motion blur and ray tracing will not significantly improve the game's frame rate, but significant improvements will come.

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If you're playing Dragon's Dogma 2, be sure to check out IGN Interactive mapOur king wandering Hub, our guides are on Pawns And Pawn specialties.

Wesley is IGN's UK news editor. You can find him on Twitter at @wyp100. You can contact Wesley at [email protected] or confidentially at [email protected].

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