California Deputy DA Kelly Ernby, who spoke out against vaccine orders, said Govt died of complications.

Kelly Ernby, deputy district attorney for Orange County, California, who recently ran for state legislature and continued to speak out against vaccination orders, has died of complications from COVID-19. The 46-year-old’s death was announced Monday by his friends, family and colleagues.

Ernby, who lives on Huntington Beach, has worked in the district attorney’s office since 2011, where he specializes in environmental and consumer law, according to the Associated Press. Office. Ernby, who has been honored for his contributions to environmental law enforcement, has been described by the office as “an incredibly vibrant and passionate lawyer.”

Orange County Deputy District Attorney Kelly Ernby Govt-19 died of complications.

Kelly Ernby for Assembly / Facebook

Last year, Ernby launched a failed campaign for the California state legislature, losing the primary race for the seat to Diane Dixon. She planned to run again accordingly CBS Los Angeles.

Ernby repeatedly argued against the Govt vaccination orders, writing on his personal Facebook page in August that “the vaccine is not a cure for Govt disease, the orders do not work.”

In December, he co – chaired the anti – vaccination rally at Fullerton, California State University, between today and the 1960s. According to university students NewspaperIn the 60s, he said, people were in danger of losing their freedom because of socialist ideas.

At a meeting with the Conservative group Turning Point USA, he said, “Now there is nothing more important than our freedom.” “… our government for the people and for the people is not going to be without people’s action.”

In November 2019, before the Govt spread, he attended online City Hall He campaigned for the legislature, saying “the basic premise is that the government should be very small.”

“I have no faith in the orders,” he said. “… it’s not about the vaccine, it’s about the choice to make.”

Following Ernby’s death, rumors spread rapidly that he had died of COVID-19 from being vaccinated. Her husband, Mattias Ernby and many of her friends have publicly confirmed that this is not the case.

“Over 200 emails, DMs or death threats in the last 24 hours, people praising the death of my friends and / or calling us to die,” said Ernby’s friend Ben Chapman. Greater Costa Mesa Republicans, wrote on Facebook on Monday. “… my friend was not vaccinated and no one in credible sources said she passed because she was vaccinated. Her husband and I have openly stated that she was not vaccinated.”

I have over 200 emails, DMs or tweets with death threats, compliments and / or invitations on the death of my friends …

Posted by Ben Chapman On Tuesday, January 4, 2022

California, like most parts of the world, has seen an increase in recent cases, with an average of 22,794 cases per day, according to the state Govt. Dashboard. The state has seen a decline in the average daily deaths related to Govt-19 as less than 80% of the population of the state has been vaccinated against Kovit-19 at least partially.

According to the latest data, from December 13 to 19, 2021, those who are not vaccinated are 5.2 times more likely to get COVID-19 than those who are fully vaccinated. The chance of dying is 15 times higher.

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