Biden hosts US summit: live announcements

debt…Louis Antonio Rojas for The New York Times

Los Angeles – the Biden administration rushed to avoid the embarrassment of being ignored by key leaders ahead of the US summit – rejected its revelations.

U.S. officials have been in talks with the Mexican government for weeks, trying to find a way to lure President Andres Manuel Lபpez Obrador to a meeting in Los Angeles. Vice President Kamala Harris urged the Honduran president to come. Top aides were sent to try to persuade the leaders of El Salvador and Guatemala.

Nothing worked. Heads of state from all four countries refused to attend the meeting, which was called off in an attempt to promote unity and common purpose across the Western Hemisphere. One foot to Pitan.

Salvador President Naib Bukele, Foreign Secretary Anthony J. He will not even communicate with Blingen on the phone, according to four people who do not have the authority to speak in public.

The absence has cast doubt on the suitability of the summit to show co-operation between neighboring countries, but instead aired loudly the divisions in the region that are poised to overthrow US leadership.

“This shows the deep divisions on the continent,” said Martha Barcena, a former Mexican ambassador to the United States. Leaders who decided against attending, Ms Barsena said, “are challenging American influence because American influence is declining on the continent.”

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Biden said the administration could achieve a lot without presidents at the table, with foreign ministers sent to replace them with the ability to sign agreements.

“The United States is a very powerful force in motivating hemispheric action to meet the key challenges facing the people of the United States,” White House spokeswoman Karen Jean-Pierre said Monday.

However, despite the region’s programs being ignored for a variety of reasons, they all seem to express their dissatisfaction with the way the administration is exercising power.

He said he would not attend until the administration invited Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua. Lopez Obrador has been telegraphing for several weeks. The left-wing Honduran president, Xiomara Castro, has said he would bow down if his group included those countries.

Mr. who expelled them from the summit. Lopez Obrador said, “Continuing with the old politics, interference, disrespect for nations and their people.”

The leaders of Guatemala and El Salvador were more concerned about their own good relations with the United States than the guest list.

Since taking office, the Biden administration has continued to crack down on corruption in both countries, including top officials and Is calling Perceived efforts To weaken democratic institutions by two Central American governments.

Guatemalan President Alejandro Chiamate has said he will not attend the summit in a day. Mr. Blingen said His government’s attorney general’s election has been marred by “significant corruption.”

“I sent word that I would not go,” said Mr. Chiamate said: “As long as I am president, this country will be respected and its sovereignty will be respected.”

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Mr. Bugel did not disclose his rationale, but those familiar with the idea of ​​the President of Salvador say that he did not see the handshake and photography when the dialogue between the two countries broke down so fundamentally.

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