Apple Music and the App Store are facing another crash

Some of Apple’s services, after a good portion of Apple’s services and online infrastructure, will one day crash again. Knocked offline on Monday. Currently, Apple’s system status page Apple Music, podcasts, books and the App Store say there have been issues since 5:09 pm ET. It lists an existing problem and states that “some users have been infected”.

Fortunately, iMessage, iCloud, Apple Maps and Apple TV seem to work well, but those looking for an app or song may be out of luck. Apple has warned that there may be issues with the weather, Game Center and iCloud Web Apps, which may be “slow or unavailable”, but now those issues are being addressed. However, Apple Card still has that warning.

Apple Music worked well for at least two people Margin Employees (someone said it was a bit slow, but this is not uncommon for the service), some of us had trouble downloading apps or updates from the App Store. Normally, the progress circle will continue to rotate and return to the download or update button after failure. Once or twice the downloads will start but the glacier will run at a slower pace.

The map for Apple Music is mostly in the same format.
Map: Downtector

Downtector Supports our experienceNearly a thousand other reports show that there are problems with both services.

We will notify you if we receive additional information from Apple about the malfunction or when it is resolved.

Updated March 22, 5:51 PM ET: Added information about weather and iCloud Web App issues.

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