After the delay, the US Senate approved a massive $ 40 billion in Ukraine aid

WASHINGTON, May 19 (Reuters) – The U.S. Senate on Thursday approved nearly $ 40 billion in new aid to Ukraine, sending President Joe Biden to the White House to sign legislation on the Washington race to provide military assistance nearly three months later. Invasion of Russia.

The Senate voted 86-11 in favor of an emergency package for military, economic and humanitarian assistance, making it the largest US aid package to Ukraine to date. All 11 votes were not Republican votes.

Strong bipartisan support underscores the desire of lawmakers – most Republicans and Biden’s fellow Democrats – to support Ukraine’s war effort without sending US troops. It came just hours after the Senate confirmed Biden’s appointment to the post of U.S. ambassador to Ukraine to fill the three-year vacancy. read more

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“This is a great package, and it will meet the great needs of the Ukrainian people as they fight for their survival,” said Chuck Schumer, leader of the Democratic Senate Majority, stressing support for the emergency auxiliary bill before the vote.

Biden said the spending bill passed would not reduce the US funding for Ukraine.

“I commend Congress for sending to the world a clear bilateral message that the brave people of Ukraine stand together with the American people to defend their democracy and independence,” Biden said in a statement. Thursday Security Assistance Package. read more

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Gelensky’s top aide thanked the Senate and said the money would help ensure Russia’s defeat. “We are moving towards victory with confidence and strategy,” Zelenskiy CEO Andriy Yermak said in an online post minutes after the vote.

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Deadline is over

The House of Representatives passed the bill on May 10 with each Republican vote of no. It stalled in the Senate because Republican Senator Rand Paul refused to allow a quick vote. Biden’s fellow Democrats narrowly control both the House and the Senate, but most of the Senate rules require unanimous approval to move quickly to a final vote on the legislation. read more

Some of those who voted “no” said they were opposed to spending so much when the United States has a huge national debt. “I’m always going to ask a question, how do we pay for that?” Senator Mike Brown told reporters at the Capitol.

Secretary of State Anthony Blingen and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin urged lawmakers to act quickly. In a letter to Congress leaders, he said the military had enough funds to send arms to Kiev only until Thursday, May 19th.

If Biden signs the austerity bill, the total amount of US aid authorized for Ukraine since the start of the Russian invasion on February 24 will be more than $ 50 billion.

Biden originally asked Congress for $ 33 billion for Ukraine, but lawmakers raised it to about $ 40 billion, with the aim of financing Ukraine in the coming months.

The $ 6 billion package includes security assistance, including training, equipment, weapons and support; $ 8.7 billion to replenish shares of US equipment shipped to Ukraine and $ 3.9 billion to European command operations.

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In addition, it authorizes a further $ 11 billion in Presidential Troopers Commission, which allows Bitcoin to transfer articles and services from U.S. stocks without congressional approval in response to emergencies.

This includes $ 5 billion to address global food insecurity due to the conflict, nearly $ 9 billion for financial support funding for Ukraine and $ 900 million for assistance to Ukrainian refugees.

The war has killed thousands of civilians, forced millions of Ukrainians out of their homes and devastated cities. Moscow did not show it beyond a part in the south and some gains in the east.

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Report by Patricia Zengerle; Additional Reporting by David Lungren and Steve Holland; Editing Daniel Wallis

Our standards: Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.

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